Chapter One: New Start

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"The world is round, and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning."
-Ivy Baker-

"No freakin' way! Kiba, you're awesome!" To say that Naruto Uzumaki was happy was an understatement. The blond boy was practically jumping off the walls as he watched his friend expectantly.
"I know, I know, I'm the best." Kiba smiled brightly, handing over a decent sized box sloppily wrapped with leftover Christmas gift wrap.

It had been more than a week since the 'Incident', as Naruto had dubbed it, and everything had pretty much settled down. Naruto had finally made himself comfortable in Iruka's small house and had claimed the guest bedroom for himself.

It only took him a few hours, after his belongings had arrived, to redecorate the room to his liking. This room was smaller than his own back home, so it was rather tightly packed, but Naruto figured that he could manage.

He would have to make do; After all, going home again was no longer an option. The thought saddened him, but he would not let it hinder his life too much. In any case, he did not want Iruka to worry over him more than he already did.

The man was a mother hen, Naruto soon realized. He was always fussing over the blond if something seemed to be bothering him and took good care of all of Naruto's needs.

Despite the resentment Naruto felt for the 'creatures' that had ruined his life, he just could not bring himself to feel any hate toward Iruka. The man was hard not to love; He was just so sincere and caring, and without him Naruto would have been pretty much alone.

Well, he would have Kiba, but it was not as if he could have moved in with the brunette. Mrs. Inuzuka liked Naruto but she had made it known that she could only take the hyper blond in small doses.

Naruto couldn't really blame her, when he was with Kiba things tended to get a little...crazy, and today was no exception.

Kiba had decided to drive the thirty minute drive to Iruka's this weekend to see him since this was the last day before Naruto would leave for his new school.

It was unnerving to be entering a new school in the middle of the year let alone a school that vampires attended. Of course, the school was not explicitly for vampires, humans attended it as well. Although, the humans were not informed of this. It kind of made him wonder how many vampires he could have meet throughout his life and not even known it.

Despite all of that, Naruto would be leaving tomorrow, but today he would enjoy Kiba's company and the present that was being given to him.

"Kiba you shouldn't have, but who am I not to except such a kind offer?" Snatching the package from his friend's hands, Naruto inspected it with trained eyes.

"Hmmm... what could it's not going to blow up in my face is it?" It would not be the first time something to that effect happened—Let's just say chocolate pudding is not easy—or fun—to get out of your hair.

"Nah, dude, nothing's going to jump out or explode in your face." Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Or in any other part of your body." He finished.

Seeming satisfied, Naruto began ripping at the nauseating paper that was decorated with chubby little elves and reindeer that looked too happy for their own good. I mean who's going to be happy about having to make toys for all the good little boys and girls? That was a lot of work—Did they even get paid?

Ridding his mind of such thoughts, Naruto turned the rather harmless looking brown box in his hands. He still did not trust Kiba enough to deem it safe. He was sure something was going to come out of it and harm him in some way.

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