Chapter Four: Monster

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"Walking into the night, I see the truth within the darkness and cry unwanted tears for what I have become."
- Akiru-

It was exactly thirty minutes later, after his run-in with Sasuke, that Naruto sat in German Studies feeling irritated and guilty. Irritated because he was now sitting in a class full of vampires, learning about their history.

Who would have thought that a class called German Studies was about vampire history? Then again, it was a clever cover-up. The human students would never know the difference. Naruto could deal with that class, more or less, but it was the guilt that was getting to him.

He shouldn't feeling that way for what had transpired earlier. Sasuke totally deserved what he had said. He hated the raven-haired boy. He really did!

Naruto sighed. If only that sounded as convincing in his head as it did out loud. Hate, though, was too strong of a word. Naruto could admit to that. He felt something more akin to dislike.

Despite that, it still hurt him to see the pain flicker across Sasuke's face as he yelled 'I hate you'. Why it hurt him, Naruto didn't know. After all Sasuke was the last person that he cared about.

The raven-haired boy was just such a bastard. Granted, he did have his moments when he tried to be helpful, but so far those had been few and far between.

Naruto stole a glance across the room. Sasuke sat there his eyes straight ahead. His face was blank, giving away nothing of what he felt. On the inside, however, was a different story; in reality, Sasuke was in turmoil.

Naruto's words still rung within his mind, making his heart ache. It was just like before, back when they had first met. Naruto had been as hot headed as ever, not letting the young Uchiha get away with the foul words he had used. In the end, they had ended up brawling.

If he remembered correctly, it was that fight that had brought them together. Then again, that was then, and this was now.

They were two different Narutos, no matter how similar they seemed. It hurt to think just how similar they were. They had the same golden, sun-kissed hair and deep blue eyes. Their personalities were also quite similar. The only difference was that this Naruto did not speak Sasuke's name with affection. Sasuke could not have the Naruto that was with him now; it was a thought that cut him deep.

He would do anything to have that blond in his arms again. To have his warm lips brush against his ear as he muttered sweet nothings.

'Shit, I have to keep my mind on something else.' Thinking of such things would only bring him pain. In truth, he guessed that Naruto was the lucky one. He would never have to remember the horrors of their past, and he would never have to know of Sasuke's betrayal. It was better this way.

After what Sasuke had done, he did not even deserve to have Naruto look upon him, whether it was with affection or hate. He was the real cause of the events that caused their lives to be torn apart.

'I lied to him.' Sasuke thought. 'I really am a monster.'

His eyes traveled towards the windows and to where Naruto sat.

Sasuke was shocked to see a pair of sky blue eyes staring back at him from across the room.

Naruto smiled at him, sending him an apologetic look before turning away.

Naruto couldn't stay mad any longer. He had to get this off his chest, so he did the only thing he could. He gave Sasuke his forgiveness.

Sasuke smiled to himself when Naruto turned away. He would take all he could get from the blond. For now, his past would be forgotten, at least until the next time it decided to haunt him, showing him that he could never have his happily ever after.

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