Chapter Two: Memories

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This chapter is dedicated to sunnypodcast cuz they're an amazing writer and was the first person who voted for the story

"Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose. "
-From the television show The Wonder Years-

The spring breeze blew across the flat farmland and through the stalks of golden wheat. They swayed, glowing gently in the light from the sun. Everything seemed so peaceful and calm; then again, the happily shining sun can be very deceiving.
Amongst the wheat ran a boy, no older than fifteen, his golden hair flowing as he fled to his destination. His body screamed in pain, his muscles contracted and blood flowed freely down his brow, yet he kept moving. He had to keep moving.

It was a pitiful sight, to watch one so young suffer so much.

He fell then, yelling out as he fell heavily on his knees on the dry soil. Things were not supposed to be like this. This was not supposed to happen. It was wrong, so wrong.

Yet the boy still could not help but ask himself why? Why had it been so horrible? Why was what he had done so bad? Why couldn't he love?

Crying thick tears, he got back onto his feet and fixed his gaze on the forest a few feet away. He knew that he would find him there. He needed to see him, just one more time. He needed to tell him, tell him that everything was ok. That what had happened was not his fault, that he did not want him to blame himself when he was gone.

Smiling sadly through the pain, he ran towards the edge of the trees. He only hoped that the one person he cared about more than anything else could live once he was gone; after all, once he went back, he would die.

From the forest, another boy stood waiting for the blond, just like he always did. He was unaware of the troubling news that would soon be brought to him in mere minutes. Soon his whole world would crumble, and for the second time in his life, he would be completely powerless to do anything. He would again lose everything.

He would just stand there in panicked shock as the blond reached him, wishing that his eyes deceived him. He would take in the other boy's appearance with pained eyes and guilt would overwhelm him, consuming him and dragging him into a darkness greater than he had ever known existed.

He would just curl up and sink back into the sorrow and pain. It was not an unfamiliar feeling; However, he wished now, more than ever, that he could truly die.


Sasuke frowned at the bitter memory, one he wished never to remember again. It was of a time long ago, although the memory itself felt as fresh as if it happened only yesterday.

'Damn it.' He cursed mentally as he continued to stare at the boy in front of him. Guilt in its purest form flowed through him, making him want to fall to his knees. That face... he was never supposed to look upon that face ever again. It should be a sin after what he had done.

He was supposed to live on in his guilt and misery. That was his punishment for the pain he had caused in his past. Alone to walk a path drenched in darkness.

"Sasuke?" Sakura had turned to the raven. Her voice was full of concern; It wasn't everyday one saw someone like Sasuke look so stricken. It was as if he was trying to pull broken pieces of himself together, but failing miserably.

It confused the onlookers and worried them, and even Naruto was unsure of what to say or do.

He felt such a connection towards Sasuke that it frightened him to no end. As a result, Naruto felt an irrelevant hatred for the boy. He did not want to feel anything for monsters such as him.

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