Chapter Twelve: Falling

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"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."


The card slot light turned green on the hotel room door granting access. It swung open letting the man on the other side to enter into the nicely furnished room. He walked in brusquely dropping the small plastic card on a table by the door.

"Ah Itachi, your back." Dark eyes darted to the source of the voice, finding a slim, dark haired man reclining in a plush armchair.

Itachi's face harden at the sight of the other man, it was a face he had not seen in a while. In fact he hoped to never see that face again.

"Madara." The name was spit as if it was poison on the tongue.

"Aw, not happy to see me?" Itachi said nothing preferring to ignore the comment and the man if at all possible. It wasn't that he hated the man, he couldn't hate his mentor. The one that had opened up so many possibilities to him. Madara was just too lively for Itachi's personal liking.

He preferred quiet and solitude. Itachi could never get that with Madara hanging around breathing down his neck. The man was like a leech that sucked the dullness out of a room.

"What are you doing here? I though you had business in Europe?"

Madara laughed, a deep melodus sound. "I was getting tired of drinking tea and eating crumpets. Plus its not the right time, everything is too damn peaceful in this corrupted world." He popped one of the small chocolates that had been sitting on the coffee table into his mouth. The dark chocolate was smooth and rich making him sigh in content.

"Hn." Itachi turned around ignoring the sight, besides he had to put this cheese in the refrigerator. After having to buy the dairy treat he didn't want to have it spoil.

"You know it's boring not having you around anymore." Itachi sighed, not even a minute of silence. "What is there here for you anyways. I find this city far too dull."

"I have business here." Was the clipped reply.

Madara shrugged his shoulders. "Your missing out on a lot... and all because of that brother of yours." Joyful eyes turned hard and cold as they bore into Itachi. "I didn't take you under my wing so you could play cat and mouse with your precious little brother."

"Let me have my fun... you don't need me at the moment anyways. I need to remind him what his purpose in life is. It seems he has forgotten again." Madara shook his head relaxing back into the soft chair.

"I swear you're one sadistic bastard... but that's what I like about you."

Itachi said nothing, there was no reason to even respond to that comment. Madara knew right well how Itachi worked.

"So tell me, what has your brother gone and got himself infatuated with this time? It must be something good, I don't think I have seen this much spirit in your eyes for a long time... in fact the last time was when you gorged out your fathers heart." The room was plunged into an icy silence, neither man spoke for a long while. Madara knew that Itachi was thinking over his words. He was always so careful when he gave out information, always keeping the deeper clues tucked tightly away.

"It seems my brother does not learn the first time... or maybe he likes the deep blue color of fear. This time though I think I might enjoy seeing those bright eyes dulling for all eternity." Madara said nothing. He knew what Itachi was referring to, how could he forget the smell of burning flesh.

"I guess I picked a good time for a visit then." Nothing more was said between the two as Itachi left once again. The time was coming near, and he could not afford to miss it.

Blood Stained Lilies ||SasuNaru|| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now