Chapter Nine: Past

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(not edited)

"The past is our definition. We may strive, with good reason, to escape it, or to escape what is bad in it, but we will escape it only by adding something better to it."
-Wendell Berry-

Sasuke stood amongst the blooming flowers that signaled the beginning of spring. The sky itself even seemed to be joining the festivities of the season. The clear blue spread vast distances free of clouds, letting the sun shine upon the earth.
It was a day that was the exact opposite of how Sasuke was currently feeling. A dark rainy day would have suited him much better at the moment.

He was originally supposed to be heading towards a small colony south of here. Rumor had it that his brother had been spotted there. It was the best lead he had in months.

He had the misfortune to receive a letter from his damnable halfling of a sister a week before his departure.

Normally he would have ignored it but was a formal summoning and he would be in more trouble than what it was worth if he did not come.

Knowing his sister it had something to do with dividing the power between the two families.

He was the rightful heir to the Uchiha's since she was a hybrid of sorts and no longer considered part of the Uchiha line. Yet she did share his blood and that alone gave her the right to fight for what was truly his.

The only thing she had on her side was her age. She had been born long before Sasuke or even Itachi. Still that alone would not win this for her. Sasuke would be sure that she did not gain the power and wealth the Uchiha's prided on.

Really though, Sasuke knew she only really wanted the right to be called an Uchiha again and to be excepted into the family that had cast her aside.

'Where the hell is Neji?' He had been waiting for his sisters son for over an hour now. Sometimes he wonder if everyone was incompetent as they showed him to be.

Finally he heard a rustle in the bushes. "About time." He muttered to himself, turning to face his guest.

What he saw made him stop and stare.

Before him stood a boy, around twelve if he had to make a guess since he looked a little younger than himself. He was currently fifteen. There eyes locked onto each other, blue meeting black. Sasuke found himself wonder what was bluer, the sky or this boys eyes.

"Sasuke!" Neji, who Sasuke had not realize was there, called out to his 'uncle'.

Sasuke finally pulled his gaze from the blond and turned to face the boy who addressed him.

"Neji." He greeted, being sure to show his displeasure for being here at all.

The blond boy stood a few inches behind Neji, studying Sasuke with a curious gaze.

"So this is your friend? He looks kinda boring to me." Sasuke glared at this. Who did this brat think he was talking to.

"Well at least I'm not an idiot."

"Bastard! What did you call me?"

"An Idiot." It was odd how much enjoyment he was getting out of insulting the blond. Maybe it wasn't a complete waist coming here. He was sure getting some entertainment at least.

"Naruto calm down and Sasuke don't rattle him up." Neji had finally stepped between them when it looked as if neither was going to back down.

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