Chapter Seven: Feelings

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"Ecstasy is a Feeling that comes Only When the Heart is tuned to that pitch of Love Which melts it...Which makes it Tender...Which gives it Gentleness... Which makes it Humble"
Hazat Inayat Kaan - The Sufi Message

Naruto's eyes were wide in shock. What was happening? This was not supposed to happen, it wasn't on any of Naruto's mental itineraries and it surely was not anything normal.

He might never have been kissed before but he was willing to bet that this feeling was in the strange and unusual category.

His body felt light and pleasant, like he was floating. It was similar to the warm, fuzzy feeling you got at the end of one of those old sappy romances. The feeling in itself was not odd, but it was odd that it was caused by kissing Sasuke; his male friend.

Still that was not what Naruto was worried about. His main concern was within the inner workings of his own mind.

Scenes flashed passed his minds eye like an old movie, showing him things of what he guessed to be the past. If Naruto had to guess they all seemed to take place during the 1600's or somewhere close to that period in time, but that didn't make sense at all.

Within one he saw a boy a little younger than himself crying. His long ragged blond hair fell into his face, shielding his identity from Naruto's eyes. It was a pathetic sight and pulled at his heartstrings.

It was soon gone, replaced by another and then another. They came and went within seconds leaving Naruto confused and curious. He wanted so much to ne be able to understand what was going on in this little movie within his head.

The next one caused Naruto's stomach to turn in an oddly pleasurable way. He took in the sight of two bodies as they moved together on the forest floor beneath a crescent moon. It didn't take him long to figure out what exactly they were doing. It was blatantly obvious with how they moved against each other sensually.

His mind brought him closer to the two, who appeared to be both males, in the throws of passion. Naruto really didn't want to watch two guys getting it on, but as he got a better look at them, he found himself being drawn towards them.

Something in the back of his mind was pushing him forward, closer and closer till he stopped. It was then when he realized that he was not looking at two strangers like he originally thought.

Lying before him was none other than himself and Sasuke. No it couldn't be. It made no sense; it just couldn't be them. They just looked oddly similar... yeah that was it.

Naruto would have found comfort in that assumption if the Sasuke look a like had just not called out Naruto's name in ecstasy.

It was too much, he would never dream of this let alone even think about it. He would never let Sasuke do anything like that to him. They were both guys after all. It was wrong, and he was most certainly not gay.

'Then why is he kissing you now?'

A voice broke him from the spell he had been under, bringing him head-first into reality.

Like the voice had said Naruto was still letting Sasuke have free rein on his mouth. It felt so good, and it really shouldn't feel that good.

He needed this to stop, like right now.

Finding his strength once again, Naruto pushed Sasuke back. The force of the blow sent

Sasuke falling back on the floor with a thud and a low groan.

"Fucking idiot, that hurt."

Naruto said nothing. He sat motionless on the bed, a hand covering his mouth and a deep blush on his checks. He was trying to make sense out of the whole occurrence.

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