Chapter Fourteen: Lillies

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"Lilies and laurels over them we lay, And violets o'er each unforgotten head."
-Richard Hovey-

Sasuke crawled across the cold tiled floor, smearing it with his and Naruto's blood. The pain he should be feeling was numbed by the sorrow that was devouring him inside and out. It was unbearable to see those lifeless blue eyes staring back at him. So many times before they had shown with such life and happiness. Always a light for those around him.

It was too much; the guilt, the sorrow, the anger. Everything seemed to threaten to overcome him, making him tear at the seams of his sanity.

No one should have to see their lover die, not once and definitely not twice. What a cruel, sick, and twisted world they lived it. It was only topped by the evil which resided in it. Lurking in the shadows waiting and stalking. Wanting nothing more than to drain happiness and hope out of everything.

Yet with in this dark dream stood a ray of hope. This was just a moment in the time that they could have together. He would see Naruto again, he knew this above all else. And this time no one would stand in their way.

If fate brought Naruto to him once, even twice, then it could certainly bring them together again. That thought alone brought solace to his heart.

Offering up one last prayer that one day, one life, they would be able to come together again. No matter the distance, no matter the time. Sasuke swore he would find Naruto again, and he knew that Naruto would feel the same.

Laying his head upon Naruto's blood soak lap, it's warmth fading fast. His eye's felt so heavy, it was becoming such a burden for Sasuke to hang onto life. The haunting voice of death was calling him in her smooth wails and chilling calls.

The pain faded and the world around him drifted off. It was an experience that he had lived through many times, the coming end of another life cycle.

With one last calm and resigned breath, Sasuke let his soul leave him. It would fly and mingle till once again it would be born, and with it Sasuke would be brought back into being. His life no longer a meaningless existence bent on revenge.

Now he had a reason to live. He had Naruto, his love, his life, his everything.


Madara stood in the doorway, amber flames dancing in his indifferent eyes. The sight before him made him sneer in disdain.
Itachi was truly an idiot. Maybe he had placed to high of hopes in his young accomplice. To fall so easily, and by the hands of someone so unworthy, so filthy.

Alas Itachi was just another replaceable piece in this broad game he had started.

He would find another, one more fitting for the duty at hand. Still this would put some hindrance upon him. He would have to repay the young Uchiha the favor one day.

Turning from the sight, he made his way back down the hall towards an unknown destination. His parting words echoing through the empty space.

"Farewell Sasuke Uchiha, may you hope our paths never cross again."


It wasn't hard to figure out the direction in which to drive. The sight and sound of blaring sirens were a key clue to Kakashi. It wasn't often that you would see such a tragedy that would call for so many emergency vehicles.
The feeling deep within his gut told him that following the convoy would lead him to where Naruto and Sasuke were. The way things were looking, they might already be too late.

Sakura tried to quell the fear that threatened to consume her. She hung desperately onto Ino like a life line. Ino had to be strong for her friend. No matter how worried she was inside, she would never let it show.

Blood Stained Lilies ||SasuNaru|| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now