Chapter Five: Temptation

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"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself."
-Oscar Wilde-

"Sasuke." It was called out into the night air. A sensual sound in the dense darkness.
Two bodies drenched in sweat preformed a forbidden dance in the tangled web of wild flowers that they used for a bed.

Sasuke buried his face into his lovers neck taking in the musky scent. It was a smell unique only to the man below him. A scent that he loved so much.

"N – Naruto... I can't... I need..." Naruto smiled, he always loved to hear is name spilling from the ravens lips with such passion and need. They had only been together for a few months, but despite that he knew from the bottom of his heart he would never want another like he had Sasuke.

Tan hands ghosted over pale flesh, leaving a fiery trail in their wake. Each soft touch scorched Sasuke's already burning skin. It was torture to feel those hands everywhere but where he needed them most. He wanted to take Naruto then and there, they had enough fore play for one night.

Seeing the silent plea in Sasuke's eyes Naruto removed his fingers from Sasuke's back. Immediately the Uchiha missed the touch, but what came next made up for the lack on contact.

Naruto brought those same fingers to his own mouth, dragging them in and out. His deep blue eyes stayed focused on Sasuke's. He found it rather humorous how his lover stared at those digits as he thoroughly coated them with saliva.

He was teasing him now, Sasuke was sure of it. The way he sucked on his fingers as if he was fucking his mouth. God, would he love to replace those fingers with his throbbing cock.

"Naruto..." Hearing the irritation in Sasuke's voice he knew that he had drawn out his teasing long enough. Naruto removed them, albeit slowly, and brought them down between their two heated bodies. He stopped then, letting his fingers hover over his puckered whole.

Naruto took once glance at Sasuke, seeing that he was staring intently at his stilled fingers. He mentally giggled to himself. It was so easy to gain Sasuke's complete attention if you knew how to go about it properly.

Sasuke watched as Naruto's slim index finger slid into himself, preparing him for what was to come. It was an erotic sight to watch Naruto's face twist into a tangled mix of pleasure and pain. What made it even more arousing was that Naruto was doing this to himself.

Another finger entered just then, stretching the blond even more. The two digits moved in and out, scissoring the tightened skin as they went.

"Ah... Sasuke..." He hit his prostate just then, send a wave of pleasure that left him panting and gasping for more. It was at this point that he could not wait any longer, he needed Sasuke now. He needed him to dive deep within him and filling him completely.

Sasuke complied without even having to ask. The moment Naruto's fingers were removed Sasuke was there to take their place.

He wasted no time in entering his lover, filling him to the brim in one quick thrust.

Naruto let a moan escape his mouth. This was what he had been waiting for. It was the reason he had snuck out so late. He loved the feeling of being one and the same with the boy he loved more than anything else.

"Oh god... fuck... Sa– Sasuke..." It was all incoherent babbles that came from the blonde's mouth after that. Pleas to go faster and harder, words of endearment, and dirty words meant to egg Sasuke on– that was all that could be heard.

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