Chapter Thirteen: Storm

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"It was the calm be for the storm."

The ding on the elevator sounded ominous as it came to a halt on the floor that held the presidential suite. Maybe it was the rain and sleet that sounded dimly through the hall, or the chill that ran up his spin that made Naruto falter in his footsteps.

He was suddenly reminded of a horror movie, he was just waiting for the lights overhead to flicker out.

A door clicked shut down the hall. A man, similar to the one next to Naruto, came walking down the hall. His polished shoes made no sounded as they hit the plush carpet.

He looked up and smiled at Itachi. "Going out for a walk... I think I'll meet someone interesting today."

Itachi nodded not paying much attention; his eyes had yet to leave Naruto.

Naruto seemed unaware of the gaze as he wondered who in their right mind would want to walk about in this weather. Granted he too had been walking in it, before it had yet to sleet.

The elevator closed behind the man, silence hovered in the air once again.

"Friend of yours?" Naruto felt compelled to ask.

"Something like that." The smiled he received seemed almost forced. Naruto decided that maybe friend might have been too strong a word. Acquaintance might have been better used.

The couple started up again making a slow pace towards the door. The soft slip of a card into the doors slot made Naruto jump.

"Come on, it's warmer in here." Itachi pressed Naruto forward rather forcefully, and the blond stumbled into the room.

His ears picked up the distinct sound of the deadbolt being slipped into place along with the chain lock on the door. It was then that the foreboding wave washed over him, leaving him cold and shaking. Something was not right and it was too late to do a thing about it.

Sasuke sat in the living room, his foot tapping impatiently on the carpeted floor. His whole body felt rigid and tensed, a complete contradiction to how he emotionally felt. To him the day could not get any better, well that was a lie. Naruto laying in bed naked, writhing under him would most definitely make his day better.

A smirk spread across his face; maybe he could work something out with his blond idiot. The only problem was he had not seen him since this morning. It worried him slightly, but it only had been an hour. It was not uncommon for Naruto to get side tracked and take more time then he meant on an excursion.

He would wait another hour before he got up to go look for him. Sasuke would end up finding him off doing some random activity, he always did.

The front door flew open, a panting Sakura and Ino ran in, wet from head to toe.

"I'm fucking freezing." Ino swore stripping out of her coat. "Stupid weather, can't they warn us when there is a chance of sleet."

Both of their faces were flushed with cold and exertion. They must have run here, trying to find shelter from the storm.

Sasuke's face melted into a frown, his eyes taking in sight of the rain from the open door. Naruto would have come back as soon as the first drops of sleet and rain came down.

"When did this start?" His voice was low, showing no hint of the worry that was beginning to bubble within him.

"Umm... about half an hour ago. It started coming down while we were in the studio." Sakura explained. "Well it might have started sooner, since we didn't notice it till we were heading out." She shrugged her shoulders, not seeing any importance in the conversation.

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