Chapter Eleven: Growth

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"As I sit in the light of the waning moon, your face basking in its heavenly glow, I feel my love for you grow, encircling my heart for ever more."


Mornings were supposed to be quiet and calm. Allowing one to get used to the morning light and stretch their tired bodies. It was a time to slowly awaken and prepare for the day.

Mornings though were not supposed to involve yelling and death threats.

"You perverted fucking bastard!" Naruto's voice carried through the dorm, waking those still sleep and irritating those awake.

"Oh come on, its not like I haven't done it to you before." Sasuke's voice was much calmer, but it was still loud enough to be heard.

Naruto stomped his foot, he looked like a child; all red in the face with his cheeks puffed out. He couldn't believe what the boy in front of him was saying.

"Dammit Sasuke, did it ever occur to you that I am not the same person as the Naruto you knew. Hell our souls might be the same, but that life is only a dream to me. So don't you dare start this 'but that Naruto liked it' or whatever crap." Sasuke took a step back. In all truth he had not meant it in the way Naruto was now taking it. Sasuke knew very well that this Naruto was not the one he had known all those years ago.

Yes they were the same in many ways, but still their life experiences were different. Their personalities differed just a little. Both were hyper and happy for the most part, but this Naruto was more of a thinker. He thought about what he did before he did it. Mulling over the possible outcomes. Granted it did not seem to be the case most of the time, but Sasuke knew that the blond did not go jumping into life changing things without thinking them through.

"Naruto, I didn't mean it like that and you know it." Naruto's face softened. He couldn't stay mad at Sasuke.

"I just don't want you to have some hidden expectations for me. I refuse to change myself to fit the 'me' you knew in the past." Sasuke shook his head, drawing the boy into a warm hug.

"Don't be silly. I don't want you any other way." A perverted smirk spread across his face as his hand traveled lower on Naruto's backside. "Plus I know that either way you still like this."

Naruto stiffened when he felt two strong hands grasp his round ass. Did the Uchiha really have to be so perverted? He supposed he should have seen this coming in some sense. After all they always said that it was quiet ones you had to worry about.

"See, that isn't so bad." He gave the firm butt one final pat. By this time Naruto was using all his will power not to kill the man in front of him.

Sasuke who was oblivious, more or less, to the blondes rising temper made his way to the door. He was surprised though that he had yet to have his head bashed in. Past experience told him that Naruto was a short fuse, but that only made it more enjoyable to push his buttons.

He called it pay back for all the times Naruto had done the same thing, not to mention the months of sexual frustration he had put him through.

The door closed behind him with a satisfying click. 'Any minute now.' He smirked as he made his was down the hall and to the stairs.




"SASUKE! You fucking perverted, molesting, blood sucking, emo duck butt bastard! I am going to rip off your balls with a spork and feed them to you blended and boiled. Your gonna wish..." Naruto's voice faded as Sasuke descended the stairs, looking rather pleased with himself. He knew that he would have to pay the consequences later but for now he was content.

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