Chapter Three: Broken

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"Love is not written on paper, for paper can be erased. Nor is it etched on stone, for stone can be broken. But it is inscribed on a heart and there it shall remain forever."

The harsh ring of an alarm clock sounded off the walls of the small room. It was still dark; obviously early morning. Everything seemed to still be asleep in the world except for the faint chirping of birds that could be heard outside.
Naruto groaned at the irritating sound of the clock. It was way too early for such a racket. Then again, he was never a morning person to begin with.

In the past, it had always taken his mother's insistent yells and threats to get him up in the morning. Now, though, he had no one to gripe at him to get up, and no one to care enough to force him out of bed.

It was then in the comfort of his blankets and the knowledge that he was alone, that he allowed the silent tears to flow.

Not once since his mother had disowned him had he cried. In some part of his mind, he had hoped that she would be there the next time he opened his eyes, or that she would come back to him with her arms held wide opened in a welcoming hug.

Naruto knew now that it would never be the same, and with that knowledge came the pain he had been trying to suppress for so long.

In a way, it felt good to let the tears fall and let his emotions run free. It was him breaking down for the first time, and it felt so good not to have to put on a happy front.

He would, for this morning only, let his sorrow out so that never again would he have to look back on his life and feel the emptiness again. For Naruto, this was the final step before he could put his past behind him, and along with it his humanity.


Sakura was in the kitchen making her breakfast when Naruto finally came downstairs. He was clean from his shower and fully dressed in the school's uniform. The black slacks and light blue button up shirt flattered his frame.
The uniforms also consisted of a black blazer, but they were not required to wear it since it was usually only worn during winter. Today, though, promised a perfect autumn day.

The girl's uniform was similar with a black skirt, light blue blouse, and a black fitted jacket for the colder weather.

"Good morning, Naruto!" Sakura greeted as she made her way to the table with a bowl of some colorful cereal. With her sat a girl he had not yet met. She looked at him when Sakura addressed him but quickly looked away, blushing.

She was rather pretty, Naruto thought, with her long ebony locks, but he wasn't interested. He saw the glass sitting next to her, filled with the ominous red liquid. She was a vampire and he really didn't care to get involved with her.

"Good morning, Sakura." Naruto replied with a smile, once the strawberry blond had sat down.

"I hope you slept well."

"Heh, yeah, more or less... it was just strange sleeping in a new place, ya know?"

Sakura nodded in understanding. She always had a hard time adjusting when she came back after the holidays. It was mostly because she missed her family and her dog.

"I know how it is. But don't worry, the Christmas holidays are coming up in a few months so you will be able to go back home to your family." Sadly, she did not know that her comforting words had the exact opposite effect on Naruto.

He had no family to go back to, but he had already promised himself to forget about it. So, mustering up the strength, he forced a large smile on his face.

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