Chapter Six: Family

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"We all grow up with the weight of history on us. Our ancestors dwell in the attics of our brains as they do in the spiraling chains of knowledge hidden in every cell of our bodies."
-Shirley Abbott-

"Cut, cut, cut!" The girl walking across stage, huffed, and threw her hands up in frustration.
"Again?" She stopped at the edge of the stage. "What am I doing wrong this time Sasuke?"

Sasuke sighed and shook his head. He was really not in the mood to deal with anyone today.

"Just start from the top Tenten." She just looked at the boy who sat in an empty row of the fairly large auditorium. It was another Sunday morning that meant another trying day of rehearsal.

"No! I will not start from the top. First my hair wasn't right. Then I wasn't putting enough emotion in my voice. Oh and lets not forget when you yelled at me to stop being girly. Sorry to disappoint but I am a girl and I am playing a girl. What was it this time? Are my boobs too big for ya? Prefer me to get rid of them?" Tenten continued on with her ranting.

The girl in Sasuke's opinion was like a loaded pistol. It was not smart to pull her trigger. Then again he never really heeded that advice. The two of them never really got along. Sasuke was too demanding and Tenten was too free spirited.

It was always like this when ever Sasuke had to direct one of the many plays they performed a year. He always had problems with Tenten along with two others he rather not think about right now. Sasuke sometimes wondered how Shakespeare did it. He never used woman in his plays and that was his secret. The lucky bastard didn't have to deal with their PMS and constant mood swings.

"Are you insulting my girlfriend again?" Sasuke didn't even have to look up to see who had spoken. He would know that irritating indifferent tone anywhere. "I rather like her boobs the way they are."

"Hyuuga." Black eyes bore into pale violet as Sasuke finally turned his attention to the man next to him. It had been awhile since the last time he had seen Neji but he couldn't say he missed him.

The two of them got along relatively well, but Sasuke couldn't say he enjoyed the boys company. Although it was a known fact that Sasuke didn't enjoy anyone's company.

"What brings you here?" Neji took a seat next to Sasuke. The theaters chairs were fairly comfortable and he allowed himself to lay back and relax; smiling when Tenten waved at him.

"I just came to pick Tenten up. We are supposed to go do some early Christmas shopping. You know how she is, has to get everything done early."

Sasuke frowned. The last time the two went shopping together for the holidays they had gotten him books on over coming depression. Of course it was a gage gift, they had also given him a gift card to a store he had like at the time, but the joke was not taken well.

He had ended up sulking the rest of the day and glaring at anyone who dared to try to bring up a conversation with him.

"Oh, don't tell me you are still sore about last year. It was a harmless joke." Sasuke was ignoring him, focusing his attention on the actors who were currently all on stage lying about waiting for orders.

"You all are dismissed. Practice will resume tomorrow after class." He waved his hand in dismissal. They all began to file out of the theater leaving Sasuke alone with Neji.

"Can you just forgive and forget, we are family after all." Sasuke shot him a look. Their relation to each other was not often brought up and even avoided at times. It was a taboo subject and the fact that Neji had brought it up so casually had shocked him to some degree.

"We are hardly family." It was the truth. The only thing that pointed to them being related was the blood that flowed through their veins, but that too didn't seem to be enough for Sasuke to call him family. There was one big difference between him and Neji.

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