Chapter Ten: Touches

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"Love consists in this, that two solitudes protect and touch and greet each other."
-Rainer Maria Rilke-

"Naruto! Get your ass out of bed now." Sakura pounded hard on Naruto's door, hoping that he would wake from the noise alone. Classes were starting in the next thirty minutes and he had yet to get out of bed. At first she had worried that he still wasn't feeling well, but Sasuke reassured her that he was perfectly healthy and well.
Naruto bolted up in his bed, the ruckus at the door scaring him just about as much as the dream he had been having a few minutes ago.

"I'm up!" He called from his bed. The back of his neck was sore and stiff from sleeping on it wrong. He rubbed it while he thought back to those blood red eyes that had invaded his sleep last night. He had not seen those eyes since that fate full night, his last night being human.

He still held a grudge against those eyes and their owner. He would always hate them, they ruined the life he had, even if they gave him a new chance at life as well. He had Sasuke now, even though he was still unsure what all the raven haired boy meant to him.

Naruto did love him, but it was odd. He had pretty much just woken up on day with the feeling. It wasn't something that grew over time like love usually did. Instead it just suddenly sprouted within him drawing him to this boy who he still knew so little about. It was awkward to be in the boys presence and feel the warmth in his chest that the Uchiha caused.

Naruto wasn't gay, he was sure of that, but that didn't even stop the feelings. His body and subconscious said one thing while his mind said another. The whole thing confused him. He probably should sit down with Sasuke and talk to him about it. Right now he seemed like the only one Naruto could go to.

Yawning he twisted his head around, getting a good look at the clock. "Crap." He groaned. "Well, I'm gonna be late." Slowly he made his way out of bed. There was no need to rush, he was going to be late one way or another.

He began to look about his room seeing a clean shirt hanging from his closet's door handle. He would just get dressed and head down stairs. A shower wasn't a main priority at the moment since he looked and smelt clean. He would just take one when he got back.

His eyes traced along the discarded clothes on his floor trying to locate a clean pair of pants. 'I should probably clean up a bit before it gets too bad.' He thought to himself.

After tossing things around for a good five or so minutes he found a pair under his bed. Giving them a quick sniff he deemed them clean enough to wear. At least they didn't stink.

The clock on his bedside table flashed the time, showing that class would have started by now. Naruto had Pre-Calculus with Asuma in the mornings. It was dull and boring listening to the man drone on about stuff he swore would never come in handy. Where the hell would you us Calculus? Naruto was sure he wasn't going to become a rocket scientist so why the hell did he need it?

Good news was that if he managed his time correctly he could completely skip the lecture and be there to pick up his home work right as the bell rang. There was only one downside to this, and her name was Sakura. Naruto could just see her face as he walked in late. She was like another mother to him, always getting on him for things he did wrong.

He hated to imagine what she would do to him if he skipped the majority of class. More than likely he would not be able to walk for a week if everything went ok.

Grabbing his bag by the door, he made his way downstairs. He took them two at a time, he had a reason not to be too late now.

The house was silent, completely desolate. That did seem to be the case till the sound of metal hitting metal drifted up from the kitchen.

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