Chapter Eight: Love

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(not edited)

"They do not love that do not show their love. The course of true love never did run smooth. Love is a familiar. Love is a devil. There is no evil angel but Love."
-William Shakespeare-

"Come on Neji. I don't want to meet him. One of you is enough, I really don't need to be associating with another blood sucker."Naruto playfully punched Neji in the arm. The brunette just glared at his friend.

"Just shut up and follow me." He turned to watch where he was going in the thick underbrush of the forest. Every once in a while his dark brown shoulder length locks would get caught on a stray twig and he would curse.

Naruto would giggle when this happened, earning him yet another glare.

"You should grow your hair out a bit so you can pull it back like mine." He pointed to his unruly hair that had been pulled back into a ponytail with a single black ribbon.

"I might have to do that in the future." He pulled a small twig out of his hair throwing it away.

They had been walking for sometime now. Naruto really didn't know where they were going, only that they were meeting one of Neji's old friends that had finally been able to visit.

Naruto really didn't see the point in having to come along. This was Neji's friend after all, and if Neji wanted to see him then he was perfectly able to do so by himself.

He was suddenly stopped by a hand pressing against his chest.

Neji was looking at him in amusement, a taunting smirk playing across pale lips. "You're daydreaming again."

Naruto puffed his cheeks out in irritation at being caught spacing out once again.

"We're here." He looked past Neji and out into the wide clearing that they had stepped into.

The spring breeze was light and cool blowing his blond hair making it look like golden silk in the sun light. Around them wild flowers bloomed making the scenery a splash of color.

Amongst the sea of color one thing stood out to Naruto, a black speck in a pool of flowers.

A few feet away stood a boy that was no older than himself. His hair was an inky black that contrasted with his pale skin. The ebony locks flowed in the wind, trying to break free of the ponytail they had been confined in.

As if sensing there presence her turned around locking dark eyes on clear blue. It took Naruto's breath away. Could a person be this beautiful. He was indeed a piece of art.

"Sasuke!" Neji called from his side. The boy named Sasuke nodded his head; walking forward never braking eye contact with Naruto.


Naruto woke up yet again from one of the many dreams that had been plaguing his nights. Thankfully tonight's little 'movie' was PG and did not consist of lustful words and passionate kisses.

He didn't know how much more of that he could take. He was already fighting down the blushes when he was with Sasuke. Not to mention the feeling the sight of the boy would bring up. Most of them weren't the least bit innocent either.

Sighing he looked at the time. It was 10:43, and today was the last day of their break. He and Sasuke had plan to leave around noon so that they could get back and have time to unpack before dinner.

He had to admit that he would miss Iruka. The guy was very hospitable and reminded him of his own father, before he died.

Naruto yawned and stretched out his tired muscles. He might as well get up now and get a shower in. He removed himself from bed, noticing that Sasuke was nowhere to be found. His blanks were folded neatly and placed on top of the old mattress he had been using to sleep on.

Blood Stained Lilies ||SasuNaru|| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now