Chapter 6 - "My Ways...."

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Security helped us and ambushed through the media frenzy that was outside of the court. This was the most watched trial in California at the time because everyone knew how vicious Isaiah was. All of us barged through the crowd and to our cars. After Tyler got inside of her fathers car, her mom and dad sat there in a dazed form. By their silence, Tyler knew that they were furious.

"Tyler, what was that boy talking about in court?" Her father growled as he stared out of the window, watching the media frenzy circle out of the building.

Tyler didn't say anything. She sat in her seat, twiddling her thumbs.

"Oh my god.." Her mother whispered. "All of our family members know that you are a drug dealer......."

"I am not a drug dealer, mom!" Tyler barked.

"But you've sold drugs before haven't you?" Her father asked.

Tyler remained silent. Her father banged on the middle compartment, startling Tyler and her mother.

"Tyler, you better answer me!" He barked.

"I only sold some as a dare!" Tyler said out loud. "We were doing something to where we had to see who would last lo-"

Tyler's mother turned around and slapped her, watching Tyler turn hard to the side. As she clutched onto her face, her mother gave her a sharp and enraged look.

"Do you know that someone could've killed you over those drugs?!" Her mother yelled at her. "You could've died, Tyler!"

Tyler didn't say anything. She started to tear up in frustration as she looked out of the window, clenching her jaw.

"You're kissing your college dreams goodbye." Her father growled.

"That's not fair, dad!" Tyler shouted at him. "What does my education have to do with this!?"

"Since you're not appreciative of the money that many people your age would KILL to have, you won't go to college. You will WORK and you will no longer receive any handouts from me!" Her father snapped. "And after this trial, you will NEVER see any of those hoodlums you call "friends" in that court again! This is not a debate!"

Tyler glared angrily out of the window again, looking at her reflection as tears streamed down her face.

"I don't have any friends anyway...." Tyler mumbled.

The media frenzy within the next 24 hours were insane. It'd got so out of hand that a few of the people who were trying to get information from us winded up following us all the way to Schaefer to get some inside scoop on what happened inside of the courtroom that wasn't shown inside of the news. The next morning, I winded up having to get up at 5:30am just to go get my schoolwork and to go back to court. When I arrived back to the home around 6:30am, Aunt Shay was up getting ready. While she was getting dolled up, she handed me the home phone.

"It's your mother." Aunt Shay said.

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. I was avoiding her calls to keep from hearing about the long talk about my grades. I took a deep breath, then placed my ear against the phone.

"Hello?" I groaned.

"I called your counselor, Joshua." My mother growled.

Shit. The truth was out. I slumped my shoulders, lying back into the couch and listening to my mother nag.

"So why did you lie to us and tell us that you had good grades when you didn't, Josh?" My mother continued.

"Well if I would've told y'all, y'all would've had a heart attack!" I growled.

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