Chapter 29 - Homewrecker.

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Antoine scrunched her eyebrows at Noah, giving him a funny look. As Noah stepped down into their living room, Antoine glanced at his pistol as Asha stepped in between them.

"No no no, Noah. I'm....I'm fine!" Asha panted. "We were just having a discuss-"

"No I heard him discuss how he was trying to take my daughter away from me." Noah said in a snappy tone, glancing at Antoine.

"Please." Antoine growled. "You just found out she was your daughter the other da-"

"I dare you to try to take Lily away from me." Noah growled through his teeth, glancing angrily at him. "I DARE you."

"Hey guys it's not that serious." Asha chanted out.

Antoine laughed at Noah as Noah gave him an angry look.

"So what you think you tough because you got a gun in yo' pocket? You ain't Isaiah. You just look exactly like that nigga." Antoine scoffed. "If you gone bring a gun then do something with it."

"Asha, i'ma bounce." Noah said, inching his thumb towards the front door. "I'm not even gonna get into an altercation with him today."

"Aye Lily!" Antoine called out to her as she looked over Noah's shoulder. "Where's daddy?"

Lily smiled and pointed at him, giggling a little.

"Y-You daddy!" Lily smiled.

Noah could feel himself growing angry. Antoine was basically rubbing it in his face. Noah stopped at the door and turned to Antoine, watching him smile.

"Don't you forget who raised Lily as well." Antoine smiled. "She'll tell you for herself."

Noah clenched his jaw and walked out of the house. He was so happy that he wasn't a person who would be involved in altercations.

However, Antoine was really pushing his buttons.

The next day, Asha and Antoine winded up talking out their problems. Antoine further explained to Asha that he got angry because the thought of someone hurting Lily sent him in an uproar. As Antoine gave Asha a kiss and headed out the front door, someone barged inside and shoved a gun into his mouth.

It was Isaiah.

Isaiah grabbed Antoine by his throat and walked him into the living room, shoving him up against the fireplace and clicking the gun back.

"You thought it was a good idea to fuck with my brother?" Isaiah growled through his teeth.

Isaiah kneed Antoine in the nuts, causing him to fall down onto the carpet. As he let out a painful growl, Isaiah straddled him and shoved the gun into his mouth.

"I'm not Noah, nigga. I'm the ruthless twin." Isaiah growled, clicking the gun back. "I'll use this bitch."

"Isaiah!" Asha cried in fear as she jogged into the living room. "Don't hurt him!"

Isaiah gave Antoine a angry and dark look, getting off of him. As a little bit of blood trickled from the corner of his mouth, he pointed the gun down at him and started walking out of the house.

"I will fuck you up if you try to keep me away from my niece, but I will blow yo' BRAINS out if you fuck with my brother. That's blood!" Isaiah barked as he looked at Asha. "Asha, get yo' boyfriend. Tell his ass about me."

As Isaiah stormed out of the house and sped in his car, Asha crouched next to Antoine and wiped the blood off of his mouth.

"Are you okay, babe?" Asha asked.

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