Chapter 40 - Momma's Boys.

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The second Noah found out that Aunt Shay was doing good, he put his differences aside with Isaiah and called him to tell him to come to the hospital. Aunt Shay only wanted family members there, so she told Noah that she wanted me, my mother, and Kathy to come. She wasn't in the mood for Carlos and the others to be extra loud. 30 minutes later, me and Isaiah arrived at the hospital. When we walkedAunt Shay had a bunch large white bandages on her upper chest area. Her eyes were half opened and her face was pale. My mother and father were out to dinner and would be on their way soon.

Aunt Shay lost a tremendous amount of blood.

"Hey mama." Isaiah said as he walked in with Roses. "I got you some roses."

"That's good, baby."

"Hey aunt Shay." I smiled.

Aunt Shay lifted her head up a little, then smiled at me.

"Josh!" She cheered in her raspy tone. "W-What are you doing here?"

"I flew in." I smiled. "All the way from Washington."

"Oh, you didn't have to do that for me." Aunt Shay chuckled, barely able to talk without whispering. "I'm fine..."

"Nah." I smiled. "You're worth it, Auntie."

"Ma, do you need anything?" Noah asked, wearing his doctors outfit since he was on shift.

"No thanks, baby."

"Well i'ma go down into the lunchroom and have them make you some tea and soup." Noah responded, grabbing a few napkins. "You haven't ate anything today and you need something to fill your system."

"Thank you, Noah." Aunt Shay smiled.

"You don't need to thank me, mama." Noah said, giving Aunt Shay a kiss on the cheek. "I'll do anything for you."

As Noah walked out of the room, Isaiah shook his head at him and looked back at Aunt Shay.

"What's wrong?" Aunt Shay asked. "You and your brother at it again?"

"Ever since you got to the hospital, he been actin' shitty." Isaiah growled. "You know he put his hands on Asha?"

Aunt Shay's eyes opened a little bit more, giving Isaiah a shocked look. She didn't believe a word he said. I didn't even believe what Isaiah said.

"He put his hands on Asha?" I gasped.

"Yeah!" Isaiah snarled. "He grabbed her by her hair and snatched her up!"

"No he didn't." Aunt Shay stuttered in disbelief. "N-Noah would never put his hands on a girl...."

"Asha told me herself, ma." Isaiah sighed. "She said that she been stayin' at one of her friends houses because she afraid of him."

When we seen Noah walking towards the room, Isaiah stopped talking about it. He didn't continue the conversation because he knew that Aunt Shay was already under stress. When Noah sat the tray down, he sat down in the corner of the room and started tearing up.

"What's wrong, Noah?" I asked in a concerned tone.

Noah paused for a second, then glanced at Aunt Shay with tears in his eyes.

"The doctors said that you might not make it through the next surgery." Noah sniffed.

All of our eyes widened as Noah took his hat off and covered his face.

"We gotta take the bullet out that's lodged into the far left side of your neck, ma." Noah sighed. "Otherwise, you ain't gone make it regardless."

Isaiah's eyes started to well up Ashe turned to Aunt Shay.

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