Chapter 13 - "Are you a murderer, Isaiah?"

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Tyler didn't know what to say. She wasn't in a confrontation with Isaiah this time, she was in a confrontation with his MOTHER. As Tyler lifted up in Isaiah's bed, Isaiah jogged up the stairs and gave his mother a shocked look.

"Ma!" Isaiah gasped. "Look, she-"

"What the hell is she doin' in my house?" Aunt Shay barked.

"She needed somewhere ta' stay for a little while, ma!" Isaiah said in a loud tone.

"That's what her damn parents are for!" Aunt Shay scowled. "Tell her to take her ass to her house. I don't want this traitor in here!"

Isaiah shook his head at Aunt Shay.

"No." Isaiah growled.

"Excuse me?" Aunt Shay snapped as she pointed at Tyler. "You got 5 seconds to get her out of my house, Isaiah!"

"And if you kick her out then I'll stop payin' the bills and we'll ALL be homeless!" Isaiah barked.

Aunt Shay didn't say anything. Isaiah sighed in a frustrated tone, looking back at Tyler.

"She only stayin' until all of this snow and shit pass over." Isaiah snarled.

"I want her out of my house the minute these roads clear." Aunt Shay said as she pointed her index finger close to Isaiah's face. "That isn't a request, Isaiah."

As Aunt Shay slammed the door, Isaiah groaned and went into his closet, moved his guns from the floor, then pulled out the blow up mattress. He placed the air pump inside of the hole and watched it start to fill up as Tyler lifted up again in the bed.

"You sleepin' down here." Isaiah said in a tired tone as the mattress started blowing up.

"Okay..." Tyler sighed as she started to get out of the bed.

For the rest of the night, Isaiah and Tyler didn't speak. After the bed was blown up, Isaiah laid a few blankets out on it and watched Tyler lie on top of the mattress, bundling up and getting comfortable there. After that, Isaiah got into his bed, cut off the lights, then clocked out.

The next day, everyone except Tyler woke up and glanced out of the window. It was still snowing and the ground was hovered with mounds of snow. We didn't have any trucks or anything to clear the way because rarely snowed in California like I said. Noah was scheduled to fly back out to Massachusetts to attend back to Harvard, but all flights in the state were cancelled. While Noah sat back in his room and read his books, someone knocked on his window. It was Asha.

"Lord.." Noah said in an agitated tone as he lifted his window up. "Yes?"

"Good morning. Aheh." Asha smiled as she shivered in her jacket.

"Don't you need to be in the house in this freezing cold weather?" Noah chuckled, giving her a weird look.

"Well, this is why I was hoping that you would let me inside." Asha cheesed.

Noah shook his head and walked to the back door, letting Asha come inside. Aunt Shay had left for work an hour before. As Asha stomped her boots onto the matt, she walked into the back with Noah and sat down in his computer chair while he studied his books.

"I have a surprise." Asha nodded.

"And what's that?" Noah asked in an uninterested tone.

Asha leaned forward and handed Noah an email she received. She had been hired at a local Coney Island.

"Wow! This is great!" Noah smiled as he looked at her paper. "So you're done prostituting?"

"Not just yet....." Asha groaned. "I still have to make my money, y'know."

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