Chapter 43 - Odd One Out.

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The next day, Noah had another client that was going to be coming to the hospital. With one more surgery going Aunt Shay's way, he still had a shitty attitude. Not for no reason, but because he still had a thorn in his side from the worry that he might never lose Aunt Shay. As one of his patients sat on the bed, Noah sighed and pulled out his clipboard.

"So, how's the medicine been treating you?" Noah asked in an uninterested tone.

"Well, I lost all of my hair.." The man sighed. "That's the bad part....."

Noah scoffed, chuckling a little.

"It's just hair..." Noah said, cracking a small smile.

"No, I loved my hair to death." The man whined in a sad tone. "It's more than hair to me!"

Noah chuckled a little again, writing on his clipboard.

"So has the cancer improved?" Noah asked. "Like have you seen any improvements?"

The man crossed his legs, then looked down.

"I couldn't perform for my wife..." The man sighed. "We tried to have sex and.......I couldn't get hard. That let's me know that it's getting worse!"

Noah covered his mouth and started laughing as the man gave him a shocked look.

"What's so funny about this?!" The man wailed.

"I'm.....I'm sorry..." Noah sniffed as he wiped his tears. "I was just thinking of the while boner scenario.."

As Noah got the last of his laughter out, he wiped his eyes again and started writing.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Noah sniffed. "Go ahead!"

The man stormed off of the bed, grabbing his clothes.

"Go to hell." The man growled as he stormed out of the room.

"Come on!" Noah smiled as he walked up to the closed door. "Come on it wasn't like-"

Suddenly, Noah felt something drop onto his top lip. He stopped and place his middle finger on it, then glanced down at it.

It was blood.

Noah scrunched his eyebrows and rushed violently over to the mirror inside of the hospital room. There was blood trickling all down his left nostril. He snatched a napkin off of the roll and placed it against his nose, wiping the blood off. He scrunched his eyebrows and looked at the napkin, looking back up at his face.

"I've never had a nosebleed in my life..." Noah thought to himself as he glared at the window.

"Noah Steels, please come down to the commons area." A woman announced over the PA.

Noah wet a napkin and wiped the blood off of his top lip, shaking his head and tossing it into the trash as he headed out the door.

"What now?" He groaned.

As Noah walked into the empty commons area in the lower part of the hospital, he seen his boss waiting for him at the lounge table. Noah slipped off his gloves and sat across from him.


"So, I just got a complaint from one of your clients about you laughing at his condition." The boss said in a strict tone, getting to the point. "What is that about?"

"Oh I'm sorry boss." Noah snickered. "He was talking about him not being able to perform in bed and I couldn't help myself."

The boss kept his arms folded, giving him a more than serious look.

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