Chapter 32 - "No, Noah."

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As Isaiah lowered down onto one knee, Tyler raced down the stairs. She jogged down 5 sets of stairs before reaching the football field. She ran up to Isaiah and placed her arms around him, crashing her lips into his and nodding her head.

"Yes!" Tyler squealed as tears of joy fell out of her eyes. "Yes!"

Everyone in the stadium, including the football players, cheered for Isaiah and Tyler. After they got done kissing, Isaiah placed the ring onto Tyler's ring finger, Aunt Shay stormed out of her seat and barged past everyone in her way.

"Move!" Aunt Shay barked. "Move damnit!"

"Ma!" Noah chanted out as he chased after her. "Mother!"

As Carlos and the others chased the two into the parking lot, Isaiah, Tyler, and Kayson were congratulated by the football players as they walked out of the stadium. Isaiah only purchased the tickets to propose in front of national TV for Tyler. Haha.

"Well, what do we have here folks?" The commentator cheered. "Another happy marriage!"

As Isaiah and Tyler stepped into the parking lot holding hands, he seen Carlos, Noah, Aunt Shay, and the others standing together. Isaiah could tell by the way that everyone was looking that NOBODY was happy. Isaiah scrunched his eyebrows at them and looked at Tyler.

"Let's get outta here, Ty." Isaiah growled. "I knew that this was how they was gonna act....."

"Wait, Isaiah."

Noah sighed and looked at everyone, placing his hands up.

"Look, we ain't gotta like Tyler, but we should at least respect Isaiah's decision." Noah sighed. "Don't y'all agr-"

"No, no!" Aunt Shay barked as she slammed her purse down. "I don't agree with ANY of this shit!"

Isaiah's eyes widened at her. Ain't Shay was the last person he thought would be this unsupportive.

"That bitch doesn't deserve to hold a candle to my son!" Aunt Shay scowled as she pointed at Tyler, not holding back her rage. "You wouldn't be here had he got 50 years in prison!"

"I am NOT a bitch!" Tyler scowled at her. "Isaiah, get your mother!"

"Isaiah ain't gonna choose you over me!" Aunt Shay shouted, stepping closer to her. "If it weren't for me he wouldn't be he-"

"Cut it out, ma!" Isaiah snapped as he placed his arm in front of Aunt Shay.

Aunt Shay glanced up at Isaiah in a shocked form. Isaiah gave her an angry and disturbed look, shaking his head.

"You respect her or i'ma let her disrespect yo' ass!" Isaiah barked.

"You gonna choose this traitor tramp over me!?" Aunt Shay snapped in a raspy tone. "I've NEVER turned my back on you ONCE and you choose her!?"

"I forgive her!"

"You do street justice towards people who do the shit that she does and now that she's your girlfriend you put up this double fucking standard!?"

"I am not yo' little boy no mo'! I stopped being yo' child the second I started paying yo' bills and I STILL pay yo' bills!" Isaiah barked in Aunt Shay's face.

"Isaiah relax-"

"You do not make my decisions until you decide to become a woman and stop livin' off of ME!" Isaiah continued, cutting Noah off. "We gettin' married and if you or anybody got a problem with it y'all can kiss my black ass!"

Isaiah was enraged. He'd finally had enough. He looked up at everyone and looked at Tyler, grabbing her and Kayson's hands.

"Let's bail, y'all." Isaiah scoffed.

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