Chapter 34 - Your choice.

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Asha didn't say a word. As she stood by looking at the two in shock, Antoine looked at Deja and waved her hand.

"Listen, can I talk to Asha in private?" Antoine asked.

"Sure." Deja sighed as she stepped down the stairs. "I'll be in the car."

As Deja stepped out of the house, Antoine looked back at Asha and grabbed her hands.

"Asha, you're a down ass chick you know that?" Antoine smiled. "I ain't about to bounce outta here like you ain't my friend. My best friend. I just felt that our hearts were elsewhere."

Asha listened to Antoine and could tell that what he was saying was coming from the heart.

"Asha, I really don't want this to be the last of us. I still want us to remain close friends. And I still want to see Lily often." Antoine plead. "Can you please send her over every time you're busy with work since we work different schedules?"

Asha nodded her head, smiling at him.

"Of course." Asha smiled. "I'll even convince the boys to let you hang with us. As a friend."

Asha looked around, glancing back at Antoine.

"What about our home?" Asha asked. "How am I gonna pay for this?"

"Sell it and use the money towards Lily and Noah. Start a family with the daughter you guys already have." Antoine smiled. "Save it up for the both of you."

Asha looked around, then watched as Antoine slipped from her grip. She looked over the railing and watched as he grabbed his suitcases, smiling up at her.

"I love you, Ash." Antoine smiled.

"I love you too, Antoine." Asha smiled. "You have a nice life."

"You still gonna be in it." Antoine winked as he shut the door. "Don't worry."

Now it was Asha's time to make her move on Noah.

The next day, Isaiah picked Kayson up from Donna's. For the whole ride, Isaiah tried to make contact with Kayson, but he wouldn't speak much. At the most, Kayson would say 2 words and glance back out of his car window. When he got to their home 20 minutes later, he parked in front of his house and watched Kayson storm out of the car. Isaiah scrunched his eyebrows, watching him barge into the house.

"The hell wrong with you, Kays?" Isaiah barked as he walked into the house behind him.

As Tyler lied on the couch because of her morning sickness, Kayson sat at the table with his arms crossed. His eyes welled up with tears as he turned back to Isaiah, giving him a disturbed look.

"Wers my real mom!?" Kayson cried out.

"She's lyin' on the couch, Kays!" Isaiah said, pointing at Tyler. "Look!"

"I'm over here, Kays......" Tyler answered in a weak tone.

"No! Gramma sed mommy's not my real mommy!" Kayson wailed as he took out a picture of Taylor. "Dis mommy!"

Isaiah's mouth creaked open as his eyes laid on Taylor for the first time in 4 years. He looked down at Kayson as Kayson gave him an enraged look, eyes reddened with fuel.

"Y dint u just tel me!?" Kayson cried. "Y dint you tell me dat I had 2 mommy's?"

Isaiah felt guilty and so did Tyler. as Tyler lifted up on the couch, Isaiah picked up Kayson and sat next to Tyler, placing his arms around his shoulder.

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