Chapter 26 - Cali!

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When Isaiah arrived home, he had the person who was buying the baggie of cocaine that was at the house. Upon his arrival, he seen Tyler standing by the table.

"Babe, I have good news." Tyler smiled.

"I promise I'll listen the second I sell this bud." Isaiah nodded as he took the seller inside of his home. "I got yo' bud right...."

Isaiah looked around the table and started searching for the baggie he left. When he didn't see it, he scratched his head and started looking on the counter.

"I coulda sworn......I coulda sworn that I left it on the tab-"

"I threw it away." Tyler said. "The trash came and got it."

Isaiah scrunched his eyebrows at Tyler, giving her an angry look.

"Why the fuck would you do that!?" Isaiah barked.

Tyler didn't say anything. Isaiah covered his face and sighed in frustrated tone, looking at his seller.

"Look man, i'ma cook you up another batch and sell you some more tomorrow." Isaiah groaned.

"Aight." The seller nodded as he made his way out of Isaiah's house.

Isaiah slammed the door behind himself, giving Tyler a furious look.

"You didn't let me tell you why, Isaiah!"

"I don't give a shit about why! That's $250 dollars you threw away!" Isaiah shouted at her, storming back into the kitchen. "Get the fuck out of my face, Tyler."

Tyler was going to tell him the surprise, but with the way that Isaiah was acting, she decided to put it off.

"Fine." Tyler growled as she made her way upstairs. "Just fine......"

An hour and some change later, me and Kathy came home after going out to eat. When we brought some bags of food home, we noticed that Isaiah, Kayson, or Tyler wasn't home. As I placed the bags of food down on the table, Kathy opened her box of food and took a bite out of one of the four quesadilla's she ordered.

"Damn, Kath." I chuckled. "We just got done eating."

"I only want one more bite." Kathy said with her teeth sinked into the bread. "Hand me a knife."

As I opened the silverware drawer, I noticed a small black box next to the tray that held them. I scrunched my eyebrows at it, picking it up and looking at it. When I opened the box, my eyes met with a large and shiny diamond.

"Holy shit!" I chanted out loud.

"What?" Kathy asked.

"Look at this."

When I showed Kathy the ring, her eyes widened the second she laid eyes on it. She looked up at me, noticing that I had the same look.

"Damn!" Kathy gasped. "Is that Isaiah's?"

"He had to have just bought this." I said, shaking my head. "I been in and out of the silverware drawer and haven't seen it."

"He might be asking her for an engagement."

I smiled at the ring, watching Kathy give me a sneaky look.

"Isaiah, don't say anything to anyone." Kathy said, shaking her head. "You don't know if he's necessarily proposing to her or not."

You guys know his much of a big mouth I was. So you guys know what I did.

"Aye y'all." I said as I leaned forward in the van. "I think Isaiah might propose to Tyler."

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