Chapter 33 - First Move.

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Noah stepped back, giving Asha a confused look.

"But......I don't.."

"I'm sorry but I really want to make things work with Antoine. Plus, he was my first real boyfriend." Asha sighed. "I'm sorry."

Noah gave her a blank look, then placed a smile on his face.

"Understood." Noah nodded as he opened the door. "I'll see if I can bring Lily on the weekend, okay?"

"Yeah." Asha sighed.

As Noah stepped out the door, Asha felt proud of herself. Her message got to her.

But deep down, that wasn't how she felt.

When Aunt Shay got home, she decided to sit in her room and glance at the scrapbook of pictures that she kept of her, Noah, Isaiah, and Kayson over the years. She turned to a photo of Isaiah and Noah when they were five, holding up fake Halloween knives.

"Awh." Aunt Shay sighed, smiling to herself.

Aunt Shay turned the page, she looked at the picture of her holding Isaiah and Noah in the delivery room. Damon, my mother, and my grandmother was by her side. That's when they were first born. She went through 8 hours of hard labor to deliver the both of them.

22 years ago...

"Ice!" Aunt Shay whimpered as she chewed on her ice, lying in her bed. "More ice!"

My mother and Damon poured ice all over Aunt Shay's face, frizzing up her already frizzed hair. It was March 15th, 1991. It was 1:23am and Aunt Shay was at the peak of her labor. At this time, Aunt Shay had long shoulder length hair instead of short black hair like she has now. She didn't want an epidural and she wanted to go natural for her birth. Why? She wanted to earn her stripes and have bragging rights on how she delivered two twin without any type of medication or drugs. At this point, Aunt Shay was dilated 9cm. My mother was 6 months pregnant with me, so she was able to experience what would be going on during my birth. As Aunt Shay gripped onto my mother and Damon's hands, two doctors came in with rubber gloves.

"Are you ready to push, Sha-"

"Yes yes I'm ready!" Aunt Shay scowled as she sat upright. "I just want them out!"

"Alright." The female doctor said as she placed the leg holders up on the rails of the bed. "Place your feet up here."

After Aunt Shay placed her ankles onto the ramps, she took a deep breath and gripped onto my mothers hands.

"I'll be going through this in 3 months." My mother sighed. "Lord...."

"Alright, Shay." The doctors chanted, placing on their masks. "Push!"

Aunt Shay tucked in her lips and squinted her eyes shut, pushing as the doctors counted down from 10. After the 10 seconds, Aunt Shay panted hard and leaned back into the pillow.

"Jesus Christ this hurts!" Aunt Shay cried. "Lord!"

"It's alright, babe." Damon smiled. "You got it!"

"You're already dilated 9cm so you won't have to push long or hard, Shay." The doctor plead. "Go on!"

With that being said, Aunt Shay strained and gripped tightly onto my mom and Damon's hand as me, Isaiah, and Noah's grandmother sat aside. Aunt Shay pushed, screamed, and groaned for 5 minutes, when she felt a sharp pain erupt into her lower half.

"Shit this hurts this hurts this hurts!" Aunt Shay wailed.

"It's the baby's head, Shay!" My mom chanted in a motivating tone. "Keep on going!"

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