Chapter 28 - "Is there a problem?"

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Kathy scrunched her eyes at me from afar, giving me a weird look. When Isaiah heard me, he and Tyler walked into the front where I was standing.

"What did you say?" Kathy asked.

I bowed my head, looking away.

"I said that I'm not leaving, Kathy."

"What the hell do you mean you're not leaving, Josh?" Kathy barked as she stormed up to the porch. "We just spent all that time packing!"

Kathy's face turned blank when she remembered the talk that we had about Cali the other day. She gave me a shocked look, watching me step back.

"You mean, you're staying in Cali!?" Kathy snapped.


"Where are you gonna get your clothes? What about your job?" Kathy snarled. "What about your home? You're telling me that you're just about to leave ALL of your shit down there in Washington?"

"Yeah, Kathy." I groaned. "I'll find some way to-"

"No." Isaiah said, shaking his head. "I agree wit' her, Josh."

I turned to Isaiah, giving him a shocked look. He was one of the main reasons why I was trying to stay.


"Go back home, Josh. You gotta crib and a nice life down there, man." Isaiah said, shaking his head. "Don't throw that shit away."

I didn't want to go back, however, I had no choice. I didn't want to leave Cali, but this was my only route. As rain started to pour from the sky, I placed on my hood and said one final goodbye to Isaiah, Tyler, and Kayson.

"Bye, y'all." I groaned. "Man......"

"Josh, if you EVER wanna come back down here, I got yo' tickets." Isaiah nodded. "Just gimme a call."

"That's gone be soon man so be on the lookout." I groaned.

As I got into the car, I watched Kathy click her seatbelt in and turn my way. We both sat in silence until she decided to break the peace.

"What the hell was that, Josh?" Kathy growled.

"Kathy, I'm not in the mood." I said in a serious tone, placing my hand out. "You drive these 7 hours and i'ma drive these 8 so we can get home and relax."

Kathy shook her head, placing the car in drive and heading off.

"You keep acting like this then this relationship is gonna be dancing around the drain." Kathy said, still shaking her head as she kept her eyes on the road.

I scrunched my eyebrows at her, giving her an angry look.

"What the hell does that mean?"

"You said that you wanted silence for the ride, so be silent." Kathy growled, not giving me any eye

Damn. I did think at I was acting like a little brat, but I wasn't trying to lose Kathy. Since everything was heated, we both decided to remain silent for the whole ride. Meanwhile, Noah got a call that he needed to clock in inside of the hospital. As usual, he thought that this was going to be a regular "surgeon" thing like always.

However, it was the complete opposite.

As Noah stepped inside of the hospital with his rubber gloves and doctor suit on, nurses rushed a boy on a gurney passed him. Noah's eyes widened as a few of his doctors rushed up to him, rushing him towards the boy.

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