Chapter 30 - Chip Off the Old Block.

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For the whole entire night, Asha wasn't thinking about anything but Noah. Even as she lay beside Antoine, she replayed the hot moment that they had in the living room. The thought of his fresh scent of cologne complimenting her nose along with the touch of his baby soft hair in her fingers ran through her mind, but the thought of his soft lips on hers is what gave her goosebumps. That little "feel" she had for Noah never left her. She wasn't supposed to be feeling this way knowing that she had Antoine.

She's also NEVER felt this way about anyone.

To see Noah once again, Asha made up a lie. As night came about and after she got finished eating lunch with Antoine and Lily, Asha drove 10 minutes to a Noah's suburban area. As Lily sipped on her sippy cup, Asha walked up to Noah's large home and rang the doorbell, watching Noah walk up and answer the door. He had on his same Nike Pajama's that he wore when Asha left.

"Uncle Noah!" Lily squealed as she held her arms out to him.

"Hey Lily!" Noah smiled as he took her and gave her a kiss. "Hey Asha."

"Yeah she kept on talking about how much she missed you." Asha lied.

"You missed me, Lily?" Noah asked, puckering his lips at her.

"Yis." Lily answered, giving him a kiss.

Asha stood at the front door for a while, then glanced at her car.

"Were you planning on staying for a little while?" Noah asked.

"Nah." Asha answered, lying again as she pointed her thumb at her car. "I should probably go."

"Well, you're welcome to come and relax." Noah said in a soft tone, giving her a flirty and sneaky look as he opened his door. "If you want....."

Asha blushed a little bit, stepping inside and taking off her shoes.

"I guess." Asha shrugged, unable to stop smiling. "Why not..."

Asha froze, giving off a shocked look.

"Wait!" Asha gasped. "Antoine might get suspicious."

"Well, we're just two parents spending time with our daughter, right?" Noah smiled.

Asha gave him a faded smile, then held her index finger up at him.

"Right." Asha nodded.

And that's what they actually did.

For an hour, Noah and Asha played the Wii with Lily. They played Dance Dance revolution, watching Lily hop, skip, and jump until her heart gave out. After eating a sandwich, Lily winded up crashing on the couch. It was midnight, so this was the time she would usually go to bed. After playing nonstop for that long, Noah felt a small pain in his shoulder.

"Shit...." Noah whispered as he rubbed his shoulder. "I think I sprained my shoulder."

"I could give you a massage." Asha nodded. "Antoine's mother taught me how to do it."

Noah turned to Asha, then made his way upstairs.

"Carry Lily up into my guest room for me." Noah nodded. "I'll let you know when I'm ready."

As Asha cut off the TV and all of the lights downstairs, she carried a sleeping Lily up into the guest room that was right next door to Noah's. She sat down on the bed and waited for five minutes, then Noah called her.

"Alright Ash." Noah chanted lowly. "I'm ready."

As Noah laid out on his stomach onto his king sized bed, Asha couldn't help but to be mesmerized by the inside of his room. His home was like a dream home, and an average home for a doctor. Asha sat on top of Noah's back and rubbed lotion in her hands, glancing down at Noah's cinnamon brown glazed skin. It was so smooth and the reason why is because Noah took care of his skin. He didn't care how "feminine" it seemed, he always had aloe and other moisturizers to keep his skin nice and smooth. Asha placed her hands onto his back, rubbing it as soft as she could.

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