Chapter 31 - Fireworks.

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When Isaiah arrived at the school, he seen a bunch of police officers along with a 2 ambulance trucks boarded in parking lot by the school, which was right by the playground. Isaiah scrunched his eyebrows and pulled into the scene, eyeballing from his window what was going on. As Isaiah got out and prepared to walk inside of the school, he seen one of the officers holding Kayson's hand and taking him to a police car. Isaiah's eyes widened as he ran towards him, barging through the many adults that were waiting to pick up their children.

"Aye." Isaiah chanted. "Aye!"

"Sir, you can't go pass the line." The officer said in a calm tone, stepping in front of Isaiah.

"That's my son over there!" Isaiah barked as he pointed at Kayson.

"Dad!" Kayson called out, standing from afar.

The officer by Isaiah watched Kayson get inside of an officers car, then looked at Isaiah.

"Sir, you need to come down to the police stat-"

"What the hell happened?"

"We will EXPLAIN once you come down to the station, sir." The officers sighed. "Your son has been involved in an assault."

"An assault!?"

Isaiah glanced at Kayson's car as it drove away, then stormed back to his car.

"I'll follow y'all there."

Isaiah raced to the police station, running his fingers nervously through his hair. He didn't know what was going on, but it was eating him up. What did Kayson say? What did Kayson do? Did he go too far?

When Isaiah arrived at the police station, he followed the officer that was holding him back from the crime scene at the school. What Isaiah also seen, were the parents of the little boy that Kayson stabbed. One was a middle aged white woman with brunette hair, and the other was a middle aged white man with blonde hair. The brunette woman looked up at Isaiah as she wiped her tears with tissue, giving him a possessed and angry look.

"Your son is gonna pay!" The woman snapped. "That little bastards gonna pay, damnit!"

Isaiah snatched the coffee off of the front desk of the police station and splashed it in the woman's face. Her husband got up and shoved Isaiah against the wall as Isaiah shoved the husband halfway across the room.

"Enough!" The officer at the front desk barked as he stood in front of each other. "Both of you!"

"Yo' wife ain't gone talk shit about my son!" Isaiah snapped, pointing at the man over the officers shoulder. "I'll smack that bitch if she fix her lips to say some shit like that again!"

"Oh, no wonder why your son stabbed my child! You're a violent piece of shit!" The husband snapped, trying to get to Isaiah. "The apple doesn't fall far from the treacherous tree!"

"If you two keep this up then you both are going to be charged with assault!" The officer snapped. "Knock it off!"

Then Isaiah froze. The man just told him that Kayson stabbed their child. As the officer escorted a dazed Isaiah into the stations working area, walking him towards the window that had Kayson and the officer in it.

"Your sons right here." The officer sighed. "You can walk inside and watch him. Let officer Sawyer know that I allowed you to go inside."

As the officer unlocked the door, Isaiah walked inside and seen the officer giving Kayson a juice box. As Kayson sat on a stool and sipped on the box, Isaiah sat in the corner of the room to listen to what was going on.

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