Chapter 24 - Homesick.

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The next day, Kayson went to Saturday school and got his act together. He didn't curse, yell, or get out of line. At least up until clean up time.

"Alright kids!" The teacher chanted. "Time to clean up."

As Kayson was about to start cleaning up his mess, two boys that were playing next to him knocked their blocks down on the floor and scooted them into his pile.

"Aye!" Kayson called out. "Dis ur mess! You clean it!"

The boys laughed a little, watching Kayson sit there and give them an angry look.

"Kayson, you are the only one who was playing with the blocks." The teacher said. "You have to clean them."

"But Mrs. All-"

"Now, Kayson." The teacher demanded.

Kayson was furious. As he scooped all of the blocks into the bag, he zipped up the Lego bag and dragged it to his table. Suddenly, he hit on of the boys in the side of the head with it, knocking him down onto the ground. As a few of the kids screamed, Kayson shoved the other boy out of his seat and gave him an angry look.

"I'm frum fuckin' Schaefer!" Kayson yelled.

"Kayson, at lunchtime, we're calling your father!" Mrs. Allen barked as she walked over and helped the boys up. "In the corner NOW!"

Kayson kept his fists balled and headed to the corner, sitting down and panting heavily in the stool.

One thing he inherited from Isaiah, was his ANGER.

As the kindergartners went off to lunch, Mrs. Allen called Isaiah and told him that Kayson was acting out yet again. After Isaiah got done selling a quick bud in Schaefer, he got in his car and made a 25 minute drive up to the school. When he got there, he seen Kayson sitting angrily in one of the seats in the counselors office. Isaiah didn't say anything to the teacher. He simply walked in, grabbed Kayson's arm, then walked out of the school. As Isaiah held Kayson's grip, he noticed that there was an envelope taped to the front of his shirt. When Isaiah snatched it off and read it, he got something that was a little different than what he was expecting.

"To the parents or guardians of Kayson's Steels,

Kayson has continued to break the rules in class after I specifically told him not to curse or fight. Today, he wouldn't even clean up his own blocks, so he got up and shoved to of the other students out of their seats for no reason. He also screamed that he was from a heavily gang filled area, which is quite scary.

How are you raising him at home?"

Isaiah gave Kayson a serious look, watching Kayson give off an angry one.

"Kayson, did you try to fight some boy today?" Isaiah growled.

"Yeh but him and his frien tried to make me clean up dey shit.." Kayson growled. "So I pushed dem in dey seats....."

As Isaiah was about to yell at Kayson, he stopped in mid-sentence and stared blankly at the exit. He realized that he read over one part of the note that was really insulting. As he glanced at the end of if, he scrunched his eyebrows and read the last sentence again.

"How are you raising him at home?"

Isaiah scrunched the paper up with his right hand, glaring angrily off into space.

"So this bitch is questioning my parenting skills?" Isaiah growled to himself in his head.

As Kayson wondrously looked up at him, Isaiah smiled down at Kayson and rubbed his head.

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