He arrives

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I sit on the grass by the kitchen pulling at the bright daisies and looping them together. The grumpy leader, sits to my left pulling chunks of grass out. I finish the first chain and place it on my silky hair, I look at Alby smiling, he weakly smiles back.
I start on the second.
Alby and I have run out of things to do, well, actually there is a lot to do operating the glade with only two of us, it's just we're bored, it's been a month since I arrived. It was scary at first being locked in a massive clearing surrounded in thick, grey walls covered in ivy that's so thick it can hole my body weight, especially with having no memories of before the box. The fear soon passed and turned into excitement, I assume I didn't get a lot of self independence in my life before this, unfortunately now that I know the whole place like the back of my hand and I had to start the hard backbreaking work the glade isn't so appealing anymore.

According to Alby we should be expecting a new guy any time soon. I speed through the next daisy chain, tying knot at the end I put it on Alby's dark, bold head. He doesn't look up this time, instead he pulls a big chunk off grass out.

"What do you think the new guy will be like?" I ask.

"I don't know, I just hope he is a shank and not a shankette." He's grumpy.

"Stop saying that, I'm as much of a shank as you are, plus what's wrong with the greenie being a girl?"

"Oh come on I bet you would prefer a guy."

I look down at the grass, the issue is he is right, I don't know why, but I would feel better if the greenie was a guy; I'm not very girly and am afraid that there will be issues with another girl.
On cue the sirens go off, we look at each other before bounding off towards the box. I get there first and sit down waiting for it to arrive.
Alby paces around the edge of the box staring at it, his fingers crossed and muttering pleads leaving his lips.


The sirens stop, I jump up and grab a white door, Alby has hold of the other, we both pull on the stiff doors revealing a metal crate full of wooden boxes. In the middle is a space and in it a boy is crunched into a tight ball, his hands clutching the sides of his head. Alby signals for me to jump down, I jump in, bending my knees as I land. The frightened boy scoots away from me, hiding in between the boxes

I stick out the palm of my hand, "Shh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." I take a step back remembering to be patient.

"Where am I? Why can't I remember anything? Who are you?"

His questions bombard me, reminding me of how scared I was of Alby.

"I promise to tell you but you have to let me help you out of the box, ok?"

"Ok." His British accent hits me, forcing a smile to my small lips.

He crawls out from behind a box, his dirty blond hair shines in the light, I stifle a gasp, this boy wasn't bad looking, he was way better than Alby and he only looked a year younger than Alby. He stands up, towering above me. Just then there is a shout from above and a vine rope is chucked over hitting me on the head.

"Watch it, up there." I shout not wanting to take my eyes off the greenie.

A muffled sorry comes back.

I tie a secure loop at the end of the vine rope, I gesture for the boy to go up first and watch as he does, then Alby chucks the rope back down and pulls me up.

The greenie sits on the floor staring at the surroundings, his eyes wide and mouth gaped open.

"Told you it would be a boy" Alby whispers in my ear.

The boy's head swerves round looking at us, his eyes land on mine, "what did... he ...say?" He stutters

I sit down on the grass around the box, "oh, he was just pointing out how he won the bet."

"What bet?"

"The bet if you would be a boy or girl."

Alby steps up to the boy, " what's your name greenie?"

"Who...who's .... Greenie."

"You, you shank."

I pull Alby down next to me, "he wants to know your name."


"Newt," I grin "I like it, I'm y/n and this is Alby, he's in charge."

"Oh, um, hi" Newt says.

"Now I bet your hungry," he nods  "shall we go get some food, we can have a late lunch." I say sticking my hand out, he takes it and I pull him up, the three of us walk off to go get lunch.


"So this place is the glade with is surrounded by a maze that contains creatures called grievers." Newt says.

"The grievers sting you and then you go through the changing." Alby says,

"Bloodyhell." Newt mumbles.

"Yeah, anyway I need to go, y/n can you take him on the tour?"

"Sure" i say.

Alby leaves, leaving me on my own with Newt, "so, shall I show you around?"

Newt nods, and I get up and start off towards the homestead. Newt following eagerly behind.


We stand on the edge of the deadheads, we  have just finished the tour. I lean against a tree.

"I like your crown," he says.


"Your flower crown"

I feel my hair finding the crown, i had completely forgotten about it, I feel my cheeks burning as I blush.

"Thanks" I smile, " I made one for Alby but he isn't the guy to wear one."

There's a silence.

"This place is bloody quiet." He says.

"Yeah, just wait till we are out of here and in the cities with everyone else." I say full of hope.

He doesn't say anything, he just stares at me. After a while he says, "your really pretty." His cheeks burn red like mine.

"Um, thanks." I start to walk away too shocked by his out burst to know what to do.

"Sorry, I don't know where that came from."

I turn around, looking at him, "it's fine, anyway your not too bad yourself" and with that I run off towards the gardens, leaving him smiling to himself.

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