The boy on the plane [AU]

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"Bye!" You shout bursting with excitement. Your parents say goodbye and tell you to have fun as you shut the car boot.

You stand outside the airport holding your bags, you wait for your best friend. A white car pulls up and the passenger door flies open, your friend jumps out screaming.

She throws her arms around you. "Ahh I can't wait!"

"Neither can I!" You hug her back.

She grabs her bags and holds your hand pulling you inside.


You bubble with excitement, you and your friend had brought some really stupid sunglasses and hats. Your the crazy people waiting in the departure lounge.

"Ok,ok. Let's play a game, who can find the hottest and fittest guy also cute counts." She sips her drink and bounces on her seat.

"Alright." You adjust your hat.

She instantly points out a guy. "He's fit." The guy is smirking at her, he has a small quiff and his muscles are clear through his tight top.

"Yeah, I suppose."

"You suppose? Are you blind? Look at him he's hot."

"Ok, he's hot." You agree with her, it's the simplest option.

"Your turn."

"Umm, I don't know. That guy." You point at a tall skinny boy with blond messy hair. You have to emit you had been eyeing him up at the check in, he was cute.

"He's cute, isn't he going to Australia as well?"

You nod and she smirks at you. "Someone will have fun, eh?"

"Shut up."

The boy sees you looking and smiles waving. You blush and pull your friend away but it's too late she has waved back.

"Flight 8796 to Australia are boarding now." The woman over the intercom announces.

You grab your bags and friend, your both exploding with excitement. This is it, get on the plane and your off to Australia for a whole month!

She hands you your ticket for last minute security. You hand it to the woman at the desk and she smiles as she scans it.

"You two ladies travelling together?"  She asks, trying to start small talk.

You nod. "Yeah, spending the summer holiday together travelling."

"That's nice." She hands you back your ticket. "You board at the rear of the plane.

You look at you friend confused. "Didn't she tell you to board at the front?"

She nods slowly. "I couldn't get two seats together, I'm sorry."

Your devastated, you were hoping to spend the whole journey with her and not some stranger. You found it awkward being so close to a stranger.

"It's fine." She reassures you. "You can always come talk to me and anyway you might meet a really nice girl who we can hang out with or a guy." She nudges you and winks.

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