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I don't really know how this one turned out the way it did.

You hear the door squeak open. You lie in the scruffy bed feeling awful, your nose is blocked and you feel so hot but as soon as you take off the blankets your too cold. You lie with your eyes shut trying to sleep, you've tried all night. Failing.
You feel a sudden weight on your stomach, you lurch up gasping for air. You slam your mouth shut as your food rises into your mouth, you cringe as you swallow the bitter stuff.

"Wake up lazy!" Chuck shouts lying on top of you.

You groan, your head aches. "I'm up."

"Get changed you klunkhead, your gonna to miss breakfast."

You nod and collapse back on the bed when he leaves. You feel your forehead it's  burning up like the sun. Ha maybe that's where the sun went, you joke. The glade doesn't have a sun just a stunning blue sky that never changes or has clouds.
Reluctantly you roll out of bed and stagger to the wardrobe, it leans to one side with the clothes looking like they should fall out at any moment. You rub your eyes, the wardrobe looks normal again, you clutch your stomach as you feel bilious. You get changed and pull your hair off your sweaty face securing it in a messy bun.
You sit on the bed attempting to regain your normal posture, you look in the mirror your face is as white as the clean bedding that arrives in the box, your eyes have two dark bags underneath your eyes. You pull at the skin, it proves how much you need to rest and sleep.
You pull on a hoodie and raise the hood leaving for breakfast.

Your friends sit at breakfast happily eating and laughing. They see you and wave, you force a fragile smile on your lips and force more life into your walk. You sit on the edge of the bench next to Newt.

"Morning, I got you a bowl of cereal." He puts a full bowl in front of you.

You rest for elbows on the tables and bury your face in your hands feeling queasy. You sigh not looking at the food.

A hand runs up your back. "You alright y/n?" Newt asks.

You smile wearily. "Just tired."

"Not kidding shuckface. You've been up there for ages, we thought you had shuckin' dropped dead in ya sleep." Minho laughs bitting into a slice of butter covered toast.

You can't look at the food, it makes your stomach churn in an unbearable manner. "Shouldn't you be running?"

He looks at the small silver watch around his wrist. "Shit yeah. Bye guys."

The others laugh as Minho sprints off to the maze entrance while you grit your teeth holding back the puke.
You pick up a spoon and swirl the cereal around watching as it moves in the milk, you can feel Newt's eyes on you. You look up at him your eyes colliding, unwilling you put a spoonful in your mouth and smile at him but he doesn't stop watching until you've swallowed.

Instantly you feel your stomach decline the food. You feel a bobbing sensation in the back of your throat, you turn away and vomit all over the grass. You watch last nights meal splatter on the floor, you shut your mouth stopping the flow. Gladers around are backing away looking disgusted and holding their noses.

Frypan runs out his kitchen. "This is a shuckin' place of food! Don't cover it in your germs!"

"Let her be." Newt says wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You throw up again and he moves back. Your on the brink of crying.

"Can someone get a bowl?" He shouts.

Someone pushes a bowl on your lap just in time for third onslaught. Newt wipes the vomit off your face using a napkin. You smile weakly, Newt wraps a supportive arm around you and helps you to the homestead. On the way you threw up three times covering you, the grass and Newt in a mix of semi-digested food and stomach acid, the tears pour freely down your face. This is so embarrassing and beginning to hurt.
Newt lies you on a bed, the overflowing bowl of puke on the bedside table, he leaves you. You try to call after him.
Why? Why did you have to throw up?
Newt returns with Clint, you puke black bile over the edge of the bed and onto the floorboards. You hope the foul stuff doesn't go through onto the poor fella on the loo below.

"Ah, I see." Clint says his eyes on the black stuff.

You lie down on the bed, your hand over your swelling belly. Newt sits next to you, he takes your hair out of the bun and twists it out of your face, his hands delicate like he might find a trigger that would set off another wave of food to exit your body out the wrong end.

Clint takes your temperature, inspects the indices of your mouth and leaves you with tablets to settle your stomach. Newt leaves shortly allowing you time to change into sweatpants and a vest top. You lie on the bed, you feel like an oven roasting yourself, your covered in sweat even though you did put on deodorant. Clint had replaced the bowl of sick with a new, clean one that smelt a lot better, however the smell still lingers in the air.
Newt returns wearing new clothes, he lies next to you and wraps his arm around your shoulders. "Clint says you have to rest for three days or until you feel better."

"Great." You mutter. You quite liked working in the glade, our job wasn't the best but having a distraction from the maze helped. Also working made you feel like a glader, you forgot the gender difference between you and everyone else.

You groan frustrated. He watches you and slips his hand into yours. "I'll keep you company love."

You smile at him and rest your head on his shoulder. He is your best friend and yet you both treat each other like your dating just without the kissing and stuff. "Thanks Newt, I would love that."

He abruptly sits up, you frown questioningly at him. "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing."

"Newt it's never nothing. Tell me." You run your hands up his arms.

"I can't believe I didn't notice you getting ill. I'm such a bad friend and I never stand a chance of being your boyfriend because I would be so shucking bad."

"What did you say?"

"I can't believe I didn't notice..."

"No the last bit."

He turns a vibrant shade of red. "Shuck, I didn't even know. I'm sorry y/n, can we still be friends?"

"I think you would be the best boyfriend."

He blushes more. "Really?"

You nod. "You really would be. Your so caring and kind, your the best for cuddling with and your really funny, let alone hot and cute as fuck."

He leans in to kiss you but you push him away. "Don't want to kiss vomit breath."

He smiles and kisses your cheek instead. "Then you better clean your teeth girlfriend."

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