Tour -AU

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As requested the next part to Tour, hope you enjoy it

I hoped off the bus and bathed in the midday heatwave. I could relax here be free of everything forever. Two arms wrapped round my waist and a hello kiss planted sweetly on my neck. Newt hummed, his throat vibrating against my shoulder. "Hello love." He said, also enjoying the sunshine.
"Hey Newt." I giggled, feeling all bubbly around him.
He tugged on the bottom of my sports vest. "I like this. Is it new?"
I laughed, starting to move towards the park. "Well i do have to actually make it look like I'm going to the gym."
There was a small ting, Newt glanced at his phone, tilting the screen away. I ignored it and kept going.
Newt jogged after me, snatching my sports bag out my hands. "Oh what's in here?" He cocked his head as he lifted the heavy bag up.
I grinned and rubbed my nose against his. "Just some sweet treats."
"For me?"
"No of course not silly."
Newt stuck out his bottom lip and pouted. I couldn't help but giggle at his adorable face, wishing I wouldn't have to leave him in an hour.
We found our favourite spot; a big chestnut tree who leaves branched out over the crystal duck pond to the left. The small fountain in the middle was spouting water up into the sky, ducks were waddling around quacking after the children with the bread crumbs.
I ran my hand through Newt's soft hair, I missed him so much, it was a constant pain excruciated by my parents finding every possible second to slag him off or for the girls at school to spit, slut shame or lock my hair in the door again.
"How's your new school? Well maybe not new." Newt asked.
I faked a smile. "Oh its great, only half the year hates me for dating you, and Teresa doesn't want to be seen with me so will join in the bullying till we are alone then forgets she ever did it."
Newt gritted his jaw. I could hear his teeth grinding across it. He slipped his hand into mine. "Barstards!" He cursed. "They shouldn't...." I cut him off with a kiss. "Newt I would rather have you than them."
It cheered him up a little but he was still fuming. I knew what would cheer him up. I opened up my sports bag. Pulling out two containers. One was bright red triangles with yellow dots and green tops, their colours flourishing in full pride. Then next was a tub of chocolate butter icing - the closest i could get to melted chocolate.
"Here," I said laying out the food, and scooping the largest strawberry into the icing. It left a a huge hole in the middle of the perfectly smoothed chocolate. I passed the strawberry drowned in chocolate to Newt, he was obviously trying to still be mad for my sake but he couldn't resist the temptation. We started to gobble down the food, giggling especially when Newt dropped icing all down his white top.

The whole time his phone kept tinging like he had someone constantly nagging him. He would always glance at it, maybe reply but he never let me see the screen. I hated those kind of girls who were constantly on top of their boyfriend about who he texts, so I left it. Being realistic it was probably Thomas anyway.

"How's the band?" I say as I scrape out the icing with my finger.
Newt sucked the icing off my finger. "Err hard work."
I made an eww face wiping my finger on his jeans. "Why?" I frowned. Newt loved his band, he had always considered it more of a laugh than hard work.
He shrugged, rubbing the wet patch on his jeans. "Since Alby left for Uni, no one really does much. We only meet every Saturday at 12."
I looked at the small crappy brick phone my parents had punished me with. "But that's now!"
He nodded. "I would rather have you than them." He said quoting me.
I shook my head. "No Newt!" I grabbed his hands in mine. "Your friends need you! I can come to band practice."
Newt sighed. "But it's not the same, you would have to talk to the others, we would be in one of their smelly rooms. I wouldn't be able to kiss you!"
I laughed and jumped on top of him, so he was lying in the grass grinning up at me. His hair slayed between strands of brilliant-green grass. "You know you shouldn't get jealous of them, I only have eyes for one guy...." I lowered my face to meet his our lips inches apart when he interupted us. "Who? Minho?"
I laugh and nodd.
Just then his phone began to ring. He looked at the screen. "Sorry I need to take this."
I rolled my eyes and climbed off Newt. "Let me guess, its your side chick?"
Newt shook his head. "Main chick love." He winked and walked off accepting the call.

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