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Hunger games AU

"Let's see..." Her hand with the fluorescent stilettos plucks a folded piece of paper from the large fish bowl. "For the girl tribute we have Y/n!"

Your name rings in your ears setting fire to your nerves that hold your shaking knees in place. You loose all control of your senses, you remember being led to the large stage by peacekeepers, they pushed their hands against your lower back, forcing the slow walk up those stairs. Towards the ball of bright coloured fluff, the district's escort. The feeling of your heartbeat rapidly increasing with every step closer to her, your throat felt dry and cracked. She smiled an excited smile that only years of living in the capital could give someone. Then she announced the boy tribute.

She did the same picking of the folded paper that condemns another innocent kid with you to death.  "The boy tribute is Newt."

You watched as a pale Newt walked up the stairs, his feet uneasy and reluctantly carrying him towards doom, he reflects everything you feel.

You sit up in bed, that one memory won't leave your head and you know until tomorrow when someone sends an arrow into your heart or stabs you in the gut, at that one memory will be the worst day of your life.

The only good thing about this short experience in the capital was the food, they have so much, you could swear you've put on weight making you around average weight.
People at home are starving and your here in the capital watching as they throw away a whole roasted hog because one trotter was overdone. They eat and cook food like the world is a large plate. They even have this weird drink that allows you to continuously eat by making you throw up.
The only other good thing was meeting the most handsome boy at school, Newt. You made a point to talk to him briefly everyday, looking for some kind of comfort by being associated with something from home.

You get out of bed unable to lie there a moment longer playing that one stupid memory over and over in your mind. You're not sure where your going but you want to be somewhere you've never been before. You cross off every room in this massive apartment, you've been everywhere. Your eyes land on the door opposite yours, Newt's room. You had never been in there before, you step forwards and push the door open not sure how you're going to explain this.

Newt's face pops up over the duvet. "Hey pretty." You shrug off the comment, he keeps calling you silly things like that.

"Hey." You mumble moving closer.

"Can't sleep?" He props himself up on his elbows.

You nod your head, you stand right by his bed. Unaware of what you're doing or thinking, you lift up the duvet and slip in next to him. He shuffles over in the massive bed giving you room. The bed is warm from his presence and you sap it all up. You sit with your knees pulled in against your chest, you look at Newt's bare, strong, muscular arms and chest.
9. The number he was given by the judges, it was amazing compared to your 5.
5 that's not even half way. Your mentor gave up on you after that so you excepted the fact that your not going to make it past the first day but now it's dawning on you; your too scared, too young to die yet, you had your whole life planned out and that one piece of cursed paper had ruined the whole thing.

"Scared?" Newt asks.

You nod, your lips too afraid to form words.

"Same." You feel him looking at you. In his eyes you see the same thing you are thinking, 5. You stood no chance and it hurt to see him pitying you.

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