Situation about her

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"You are not to touch our new greenie!! If any of you shucking shanks do anything to make the greenie uncomfortable or scared ever again then you can be sure you will be spending the rest of your life in the Slammer!! Now do I make myself clear?!"

It was obvious that it was Alby who was shouting at everyone gathered at the clearing. The other Gladers mumbled regretful responses before their leader shouted at all of them to get back to work.

Minho and Newt had just gotten back from the Maze and were about to head to the map room but the commotion had struck their curiosity. His Asian friend turned to him with a questioning look as they approached their leader while the rest of the Gladers dispersed, he could only shrug in response.

Alby let out a deep sigh with his hands on his hips as he shook his head. Hearing the coming footsteps behind him, he turned around. He gave them both a stern look and before Newt could ask what was going on, the first in command opened his mouth and spoke.

"They sent a girl in the Box today."

Newt's eyes widened at Alby, feeling his lips part in shock. It was weird enough that their leader been yelling about the greenie, but this? This was bloody ridiculous. Six awful months in the Glade tallied twenty-five boys, one dead. Girls? Zero. It never really struck him that they never had a girl amongst them, after being with boys for so long. To come to the reality that there was a girl now... It completely shocked him.

His friend next to him, however, took it a very different way. Minho shifted his weight onto one leg, crossing his muscular arms over his chest as he scoffed before saying sarcastically, "Yeah, and we solved the shucking maze."

Alby and Newt quickly shot a look at the Keeper of the Runners who only grinned at their response.

"Not only is that never a joking matter but it's true." Alby growled at Minho before he turned back to Newt, "and we have situation about her."

Newt raised an eyebrow, "What kind of situation?"

"Minho, map the maze. Do Newt's share as well." he ordered with a stern voice, causing Minho to groan.

"You're the shuckiest shuck-faced shuck, you know that, Alby?" that comeback wasn't the best. It was obvious Minho was shocked and curious now that the reality of the girl had settled on him.

Newt could only shrug at his best friend, grabbing the notebook on his side as he handed it over. "Good luck, shank."

Minho rolled his eyes and jogged towards the Map Room, but not before calling out, "I better have a shucking chance to meet the Shebean for this!"

Newt allowed a small shuckle to escape him before he followed Alby who had already started walking towards the Dead Heads. He didn't waste anytime asking wen he caught up to the leader, "Why is there a girl?"

"You think I would shucking know?" he snapped and then sighed deeply, "Whatever the reason, there is one now and she's got more guts than any greenie we've ever had." A confused expression found Newt's face as Alby continued, "She gave me and Gally a shucking work out and a hell of a run for some of the Gladers. She broke some supplies in the box the  she chucked it at us, punched Gally in the face the moment she got out of the box, and ran straight into the Deadheads, disappearing from our sight."

Newt's eyebrows raised while a small smirk found his lips. He couldn't help but be amused that the new girl had so much spunk. She even punched Gally in the face. It made him want to laugh. The shank deserved that after being so bloody troublesome too many times.

"But she was scared," Alby continued, his tone becoming much gentler as he stopped in front of the grove of trees that was the Deadheads. "And those shank of Gladers had the gall to scare the klunk out of her by being overly eager to meet her."

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