AU 3.3

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Warning this is quiet violent with blood, gory and rude language.

You look through the green branches of the bush, twigs snap under your stomach as you move into a more comfortable position. You breath on your fingers hoping to heat them up from a frozen-numb state.
Outside the cornucopia are two tables each with two dark black bags on. Each bag has a district number boldly written across the front, the bag you want is on the end of the far table.

You turn to Chuck taking off the night vision glasses which are the sunglasses you thought were broken earlier until Chuck showed you. "Ok, who wants to run?"

He has a cold sweat on his brow and his bottom lip quivers.

You put a hand on his shoulder. "I'll grab the bags and you stay here watching my back."

He nods looking relieved.
You scan the rim of the cornucopia looking for signs of the careers, you know they are keen to kill you or Newt.
The image of Newt lying on the floor covered in sweat and shaking as he sleeps fills your mind, you have to do this for him. The mission is to grab the bags give them to Chuck, kill as many careers as possible without dying. Summing it up like that sounds easier than its going to be, it's one vs four; you doubt Chuck will save you if things go bad nevertheless that doesn't matter, Newt has to have that medicine.

You spot a movement in the bushes on the other side. You pull Chuck down and tighten the grip on your bow. You can't definitely say the movement was by a human but your not going to take any risks. You look back over the cornucopia, the light from the mornings bright dawn is casting long shadows making the place look deadlier. You take a deep breath and shuffle out of the bush onto the edge of the clearing. You wait to see if any weapons are thrown your way, feeling safer you stand up. There's still no sign of the careers. You start sprinting towards the tables.

The two bags you needed are on different tables, you needed to grab yours take it to Chuck who will take it to Newt and then you grab Chuck's. You run towards the bag, your not even halfway when you hear a battle cry. A tall girl with blond hair holding a large axe runs at you with a smaller boy behind her he holds a handful of shiny knifes and has an evil smirk on his face.
You drop to the ground as the first knife flies past. You look up at the approaching pair through the long strands of grass, something isn't right. Both girls and boys from district two and one are alive, then why is the girl from district one charging at you with the boy from district two? You gather yourself not allowing your mind to waste time. You pull back on the bowstring aiming at the girl and fire. She screams as your arrow buries into her leg, she grits her teeth as she pulls the arrow out admiring the dark liquid covering the head. She throws it aside and continues the charge with a small limp, you gulp what is she? Some kind of unstoppable monster?
You aim again and this time hit more successfully. Your arrow digs into her skull between the eyes, she goes cross eyed and falls backwards, the red blood like roses on snow. You grab the next arrow but it's stuck, with fear you claw at the arrow. The boy picks up the dead girl's axe and throws it at you. The sharp blade slices across your forehead and a massive gush runs down your face blinding you, you can taste the sharp and metallic liquid but the bitterness is weak from the lack of nutrients. You stumble backwards hitting the ground hard. Your arrows spill out of their quiver scattering along the floor. Instantly you feel the weight of a hungry boy pushing your shoulders into the mud. You see the face of the boy on the first day, you had been in a similar position with him. The look in his eyes as he faded into death's strong clasp. You shake your head and see the real face of your attacker, he looks far too old to be here, his hair is almost nonexistent if it wasn't for the rough stubble around his chin and upper lip. His eyes look worn and tired but determined, he looks like the runt of the career pack eager to prove himself to Janson the top career from district one. He smirks his eyes skipping over yours.

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