Trickery [AU]

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You rest your head on Sam's shoulder. You move up and down in time to his walking, he had carried you. You had left the crank infested area with little difficultly running into only two cranks that were easily put... Out of their misery.
Sam's sweat drips on to your top and he grunts.

"Sam you need to put me down."

He shakes his head. "Who will carry you?"

"I will." Newt chirps in, holding your hand. Sam eyes Newt up before passing you over.

"Thanks for everything Sam." You say. He looks confused but shrugs it off putting it down to the disease growing in your leg.

You snuggle into Newt knowing that this maybe the last time you have together.

"Newt, can you walk near the back?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Cause..." You feel a horrible pressure on your stomach as you think over the plan. You loved Newt but you need the real him not this fake.

Newt carries you in silence, both of you happy to be in the other presence. You pass a woods and you know that now is the time.

"Newt, walk into the woods." You whisper to him.

He doesn't ask questions, he just does as you say. He walks deep into the woods, the light turns green and then fades. He stops in a small clearing and puts you down on the floor.

You run a hand over his chest refusing to make eye contact. "Newt you know I love you, right?"

He picks your chin up and tenderly kisses you. "I know love. What's going on? Is it the flare?"

You shake your head. "Newt when I arrived in the box what did you whisper in my ear?"

"Y/n how am I meant to bloody remember that?"

"If you love me you will know."

He scratches his head. "Welcome to the glade?"

You sigh and pull out the broken blade hiding it behind your back.

"Newt if your watching this I'm so sorry." You mumble.


You push the blade into his gut. His eyes widen and his hand squeezes on your shoulder, he falls to his knees too shocked to speak. He gasps for air as you push the blade deeper forcing him to lie down, you cry and pull the blade out throwing it away. It disappears into thin air with the rest of the background leaving you with a dying hologram of Newt in the pitch blackness.
You rest his head on your lap, the tears falling through his face and onto your lap. You hold the wound but the blood doesn't spread on to you.
The dark blood and bite mark on your ankle wipes off onto the floor in a pile of black ash that fades into a smaller pile until it's all gone. His bottom lip trembles as you run your hand over his face, your face is slick with tears and snot.
Then the hologram Newt's time comes, he starts to disintegrate - his legs first slowly moving up.

You hold onto him as he dies leaving you alone in a massive black space with no sign of a door. You pull your knees into your chest and put your head on them crying, you soak your trousers with salty water. You tell yourself over and over again that he was just a hologram but every time you close your eyes you see him, his top covered in blood and his haunting face.
You sit there for hours but you can't really tell- each second feels like an hour. Finally somewhere a door opens, you squint as a figure emerges from the light. Her blond hair is tied in a tight bun, she wears pure white that matches her pale skin.

"Subject A9, my name is Ava Paige, you can call me chancellor Paige."

You stare at her feeling a bubbling sensation of anger and hated rising in your guts.

"Congratulations on completing in two hours, forty six minutes and thirteen seconds. Your one of the best."

"Where's Newt?" Your voice is harsh.

"Subject A5 completed almost five minutes ago with a time of four hours, three minutes and fifty nine seconds."

"Where is he?"

"Would you like a shower? You would have lost your nose if you refuse."

You stare at her, the smell of old, dried griever slime is awful. You desperately need to find Newt but you also know you need to care for yourself. You nod your head ever so slightly.

"Great! Follow me."

She walks back to the door, she turns around to see you sitting in the same place. "Your not going to find Newt in here."

You jump to your feet, scowling follow her. She leads you down white corridors not a speck of dirt in sight. A white door with a pink stick woman is carved onto it, she nods her head towards the door. Cautiously you open the door and step inside, again everything is white having been glad of leaving the darkness of the hologram room your now getting sick of pure white. There's a shower, bathtub, toilet and sink with a mirror above, on a white chair are a change of clothes, looking closer you realise there your clothes from the glade. You shower and get changed allowing time to brush your teeth and hair, there's a knock on the door interrupting you mid stroke. Ava Paige opens the door not bothering to ask, you turn to her as she examines you.

"Not bad for a girl who lived with boys." She tells no one.

You don't respond just watch how she clings onto her clipboard with her long nails and how she can keep most of her emotions pushed underneath the surface where they will eventually drown. She walks out taking care not to get too close you follow her.

"Everyone of you has gone through the exact same simulation with only minimal changes..." She explains.

"Is Sam real?"

"The memories you remembered in the simulation, they were real. We kept Sam and his family in a camp, we thought it was safe until cranks got in."

You don't speak feeling on the edge of tears.

She walks you in silence to another white door. "I can't go in for safety reasons but I hoped to see you again one day y/n." She turns sharply and leaves.

You wait till the clatter of her heels on the tiled floor disappears. You push open the door and cup your hand to your mouth. Before you sits the gladers and other kids you don't recognise, Thomas points at you and all the gladers smile and wave at you. You focus on one face, Newt's face, without realising your running towards him, your arms ready to embrace. He moves towards you but he redirects you smashing his lips on yours, you push back into the kiss. You feel yourself melting in his firm grip, like butter in a wicker picnic basket on a hot summers day, he catches you and pulls you back up, into him.

"I've missed you so shucking much." He mumbles into the kiss.

You wait till the kiss has ended. "I missed you too."

He reconnects to your lips, everything is right again.

He pulls out of the kiss and leans his head against yours staring deep into your eyes. "I love you."

You close your eyes and breath deeply. Opening your eyes you say, "I love you more."

Not sure what happened to the whole of trickery, it sounded better in my mind than out.

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