AU 1 - tour

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Not a clue what this is, it's so bad I'm sorry. And it's long! I'm bad sorry.

Y/l/n = your last name

"Newt! Newt look!" You slap his arm and point out the window.

Newt smiles next to you.
The view is stunning; your on top of a hill driving down towards a large town that's building shine in the summer sun, the sea glistens a brilliant turquoise with white barrelling waves.
You bounce in your seat eager to get out of this stuffy van and into the wide and wondrous ocean. Boys all around you match your excitement, they shout, yell and cheer plastering a smile on your face but what makes you smile the most is the thought of spending two whole weeks in this beautiful town with the most amazing person ever!


You jump out of the van pulling a sleepy Newt behind. You run towards the beach but Newt holds you back.

"Later love, now we have to unpack."

You pout but quickly giggle and grab your bags. Holding Newt's hand you follow Thomas and Minho into the youth hotel. Inside sits a spotty teenage boy with small square glasses behind a reception desk, being the most sensible you talk to the man.

"Hello, we should have six rooms under the name of Alby..."

"Yes, we have four rooms under the name Alby so I don't know where you got the idea of six from." He talks so quickly you barely catch it.

"But it says here we are paying for six rooms." You show him a sheet of paper involving the details.

"Yes, I know I'm not stupid! But we only have four rooms free."

"Then can you take the price of two rooms off, please?"

"Maybe...." He stares at you refusing to do anything, you stare back until he eventually gives in and takes the cost off while muttering to himself.

You take the keys and go back to the group of boys.

"Slight change we have four rooms now, each will have at least four people in, some may have to share beds..."

The gladers burst into chaos arguing over who shares with who, who won't they share a bed with, you stand watching them all having panic attacks on who they might share a room with, they are nowhere near ready for the real world after the band.
Two hands slide around your waist, a hot breath tickles your neck.

"Can I be in a room with you babe?" You ask Newt.

You feel him smile into your neck, "do you even need to ask?"

You smile back and kiss his cheek. Alby organises the others handing out keys to each group.

Alby passes you a key, "remember you have others in your room, other than Newt." He whispers in your ear.

You look at him disgusted by his mind.

"Just protecting you and others around you." He smiles before leaving.

You open the room door, inside are two bunk beds, you throw your bags inside and grabbing some cash pull Newt towards the beach.

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