Trickery [AU]

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I've used Noah_The_Glader 's group B's slang because I like it. It's in following the maze, go check it out.
Here it is:

Glade= grass
Shank= stick
Shuck= frick
Slinthead = nuthead
Good that= fancy that
Greenie= newb
Glader= grazer
Slim it = skin it

A solid leather boot gently kicks you in the side, you open your eye. Two girls stand above you, they point at different parts of you and whisper to each other, this reminds you of why you prefer the boys, they never really judge like girls do.
One of the girls has pale skin and her face is covered in freckles, burnt red from the sun almost like the colour of her short hair. The other girl has long blond hair, her face isn't quite as sun burnt as the other girl's but there is definitely a tinted redness to it.
You touch your face, it's tenderly sore just like a sun burn, great you think.

"Get up!" The blond one says nudging you again.

You move into a sitting position your knees pulled into your chest, you look up at both girls examining them again. The blond one seems to have some dominance out of respect so you guess she did something impressive while the redhead looks like she is pushing the girls dominance to see whose still in charge but at the same time is too scared to push her over the cliff incase she can fly.
They both have something wrong with their eyes, liked their filled with a knowledge and an evil question but not quiet made it fully into the room.

You wipe the dried salt off your face, "I cried so what?" You challenge them.

"Nothing we just told you not too and back in the grass any jank disobeying orders would be cracked."

You stare at them feeling like a greenie all over again, their language is so strange. "Yeah well you slintheads try loosing everything and then see if you want to bunging cry."

Their looks match your earlier confusion, the blond girl bends down so her face is level with yours, " every stick in here has lost everything." They both leave laughing.

Upset and lost you stand up and leave the tent not wanting to be stuck with those klunkheads any longer. The air is surprisingly cold and quickly seeps through the thin layers of cloth you wear. Down the track you hear the heavy sounds of boots against the gravel track, guards are making their way to the tents. You watch as the soldiers walk up to the red tent with the large woman, girls start to file out of all the tents and form long lines in a set order. Confused you stand apart watching the odd scene happening before your eyes, you spot Teresa also looking nervous except she goes along with it willingly accepting the change while you just want to find Newt and leave this place. A part of you twitches and an image of Sam flares at the back of your mind, if you leave you will have to take him as well which might just stuff up the whole thing.

Without checking for you the guards each takes a line of girls and leads them off down the road, you slip onto the back of the first line bewildered by what's happening. You walk further into the camp, where are we going? Another fence appears, shocked you read the sign: SCHOOL. Out of all the things to do in a world being eaten by a disease turning people crazy they still insist on school, you don't know why that appeared in your mind, what was your life like before all this hell?

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