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A/N: hey I have nothing to say here these are just indicators of the more revised version the story... well I could tell you that Fernande's attempt to kill me failed, so let's all celebrate!!! (1/22/2018)

When they exited the living room, what they saw made them stop in their tracks. The guard, Anna, was on her knees in an arm wrestling contest with the supposed to be knock out Kiyoshi. Their Sage was the dark oak coffee table, and it seemed like they were even.

Fernande noted how, besides him wearing a collar made of yellow light, the boy didn't change much since she last saw him. A square face with a broad chin, spiky black hair, and playful Hazel eyes much like her mother's. He wore a wide smile while struggling against Anna. She could make out his teeth have pointed ends. No particularly sharp just pointed.

They all just watch as the two continued their deadlock. He briefly glances at them before continuing. Then the boy eyelids suddenly fluttered, his facial expression changed from excitement to tiered. Anna quickly took notice of this.

"Kiyoshi!? Are you-!?"

She must have stopped putting strength into her arm because the boy revealed an insidious smile while slamming her hand on the table. Fernande couldn't see Anna's expression, but guesses it was one of disbelief while Kiyoshi's smile widen.

"I win!"

He exclaimed showing a peace sign. Anna Jumped to her feet balling her hands into a fist.

"You cheated! that's complete bull-"

She is once again interrupted; this time by Bo clearing his throat. The guard stiffened up and slowly looked behind her. Fernande could see the pure horror on the poor guard's face as she realized who was standing behind her. Anna jumped around straightening her back and placing her arms to her sides.

"M-Mr. Abha! I-i-i-"

"Playing arm wrestling the boy." This time it was Sophia who interrupted Anna, and the elf did not sound amused. In fact, her look was filled with a mixture of disappointment, anger, and maybe a little disbelief. Anna shook her head frantically.

"N-no... well yes, I was, but that... I'm..."

It seemed to Fernande that Anna was digging her own grave.

'Guess I'll save you this time.'

But before Fernande could step in, Kiyoshi walks up to Anna's side.

"Sorry about that. I apparently woke up sooner than I was meant to and became board waiting for you. I had ask big sis to play with me to past the time."

His tone is a bit childish but was no less sincere. Though that isn't what bothered Fernande.

'Big sis? When did they get so close?'

Well, it didn't matter at the moment. Sophia and Bo looked very unconvinced, so Fernande stepped in to help out.

"Since Anna's job was to look after him, why are you two glaring at her like she did something wrong?"

She said in her own childlike manner tilting her head to add to the illusion. Before Bo or Sophia could say something, Kiyoshi followed up with his own words.

"That true she hasn't taken her eyes off me since I woke up."

Bo looked at both kids, in turn, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"I know what you two are doing."

He says just to have a quick response from the boy.

"Unless you told her to not play with me, you can't exactly deny the fact of what we say."

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