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A/N: right so huh.... I'm just going to write and see what happens.


After Iya's.... little outburst, Fernande decided it was best to keep Kiyoshi and her friend separated for the rest of the day. She sent Kiyoshi back inside to help the other servants clean the rest of the house, while she and the other kids stayed outside. They tried to make some small talk with little progress. Iya didn't even say anything besides a few yes and no's to questions directed towards her. It was only thanks to Jocelyn changing the topic each time one started to die out that their talk didn't stop. Even purposely angering Victor to get a laugh out of Fernande. This was how it went until her parents came home and the day turned to night.

During dinner, Victor, Jocelyn, and Iya each took turns having that talk with Sophia. Victor going first, while the others waited outside her room. Fernande hid down the hallway waiting around the corner For him to come out. When he did, his hands covered his face, but she could see rose pink cheeks under them. After Jocelyn entered Sophia's room, Fernande shot a small beam of light aim at Victor's eye. He removed his hands and look in the direction of the light confused until he spotted the girl. His blushed brightened and he looked away annoying the girl even more than she already was.

'What did he talk about with Sophia?' She thought she would need to walk over there to get him, but he began walking over to her muttering something to himself.

"Let me guess, it's about Iya and Kiyoshi?" He whispered once getting out of Iya's view. Fernande smiled nodding her head. She appreciated how Victor could figure these types of things out before she even said anything.

"The first meeting... could have gone better."

"Well, it couldn't have gone worse that's for sure," Victor said crossing his arms. "So what do you want me to do?"

"Easy, you're sleeping in Kiyoshi's room tonight, and going to get close to him." Fernande smiled sharing her plan. His eyes widen, as much as they could, at her remark.

"You want me to sleep in a servants room?" The boy's displeasure was obvious. Fernande nodded grabbing hold of both of Victor's hands making his blush brighten.

"Don't worry too much about it. our servants quarters are not that bad. Besides if Kiyoshi is able to join our party, I might be able to convince our parents to speed up our training." She thought with this Victor would agree, but he wouldn't bodge that easily. It took him a bit, but he found the will to remove his hands out of hers.

"Is it really that important that he joins?"

Fernande was taken aback by this. It was a first for him to show any signs of jealousy towards any boys she had talked to. She knew he was still into her, but he had been dealing with her more or less like a friend and nothing more. Was he planning to try and ask her out? Would dismissing his worry give him more confidence? Did she need to be more careful around him from now on? These questions made her hesitate, but for her plans, Fernande took the risk.

"Victor stop worrying, I didn't fall head over heels for-"

"I didn't mean it like that!" Victor began to blush again pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. His reaction made Fernande face turn pink realizing her own misunderstanding.


"N-no I should have chosen my words more carefully. What I meant by... how long have you known Kiyoshi?"

".... three days now. Though I've only got to talk to him once why?" She couldn't see how his question pertained to the topic at hand, and Victor actually looked more surprised by this.

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