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  A/N; AND HERE.. whoops had caps on, and here is chapter 6.... I think. Not much to say besides that chapter 7 is ready and just need to be revised.(10/16/2017)  

Kiyoshi woke up in a daze, he could move barely on the floor of the white room. When he tried to get up his whole body ached in protest. Unable to do anything about it, he sat there remembering the events of last night. A smile crept across his face as he thought of a joke about how he didn't die. An unknown amount of time passed before he was able to gain enough strength to stand up. He took a few seconds to stabilize his shaking legs before slowly walking out of the mansion. Each step was unstable and his legs threaten to buckle each time, yet something gave him enough strength to keep going

As he walked Kiyoshi pondered the cause of last night occurrences. Was it a trap? Not likely since it was his own crest that knocked him out. So it was a reaction from the pearl and his crest, but why? Kiyoshi's thoughts were interrupted by a slight heat pressing against his face. He stopped walking and found that he was already outside the city's walls. He felt something off about his situation but could not figure out why. Whenever he tried he started to get a migraine. Deciding to think about as he continued walking towards the forest.

He thought more about the events of last night but could not come up with any answers. It annoyed him but he could not think clearly. His thoughts were all hazy and shattered. They never stayed on one detail, quickly moving to something else. His mind was in shambles and he couldn't do anything about it. Even now as he opened his cabin he could not think clearly.

Kiyoshi paused, 'Huh, cabin? when did I get here,' he didn't even notice himself enter the woods. As he tried to remember a sharp pain went through his head. Unable to take it he fell down to his knees. It felt as if his brain was in danger of exploding. All he could do was wait for the pain to subside then enter his home. Confused and tired he went to his bed and just fell on it too exhausted to do anything else. As he let his body rest he could feel his mind clearing up. That odd feeling he had earlier re-entered his mind. Why did he feel heat while he was walking back? Just then the boy focused on one word "walked". As his brain settled on that word he thought of how he entered that white room and why. that right, wasn't there a trap on the floor? Kiyoshi's thoughts were cut off when a ray of sunlight entered his closed eyes. Sunlight? Alarms started to go off in his head. The heat from earlier it was already day when Kiyoshi left the mansion.

How did he leave anyway, he didn't have any strength in him to climb the wall. As Kiyoshi's mind cleared he could feel all his energy returned to him. The young boy sat up feeling 5 presences around him. His eyes scanned the room until finally landing on a woman standing in front of his desk reading his journal. She looks to be in her late teens. her light blue hair was in a braided ponytail. Her dark skin made it show even more. What Kiyoshi noticed most were her ears, they had a sharp point at the end of them. She was an elf, a dark elf at that. A white cloak with a blue pattern of waves on the color covered her. Her pants were dark gray with a small wooden wand attached to the belt. She had a simple black blouse on with a small silver pin attach to it. He guessed that she was about six foot five inches.

Kiyoshi was about to ask her who she was when he instinctively rolled off the bed and grab his sword. When the boy looked back there was a sword where his neck was. The possessor of the weapon was a young, redhead female clad in chainmail. A set of brown eyes on her round freckled faced stared back at Kiyoshi with a look of approval.

"Nice moves kid." She praised him.

"Thanks but that was nothing I'm used to my dad randomly surprise attacking me."

Kiyoshi said this feeling happy that he was praised, yet stayed vigilant tightening his grip on his sword. He also noticed that his right hand was void of the cuts from last night. He pushed the thought of why it was to the side. The knight jumped up pointing her Knightley at Kiyoshi. A wide smiled plastered across her face.

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