New Coating

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A/N: do you ever wonder why some parents never pass on their super cool secret powers to their kids? Well, I don't either, but Marsha did it as well.

Ps: This chapter has been done for about a month now. I've just been way too lazy to post it. The funny thing is I've made the next three chapters.

pss: now four since another week went by... ha... Ha...ha I'm very proactive. did I mention I got another chapter and working on the fifth


Sophia stood in the entrance hall along with a few of the other servants. Her hand was pinching the bridge of her nose trying to comprehend what was before her. She had left Kiyoshi to clean the room, and came back to check on him an hour after. What she saw... bewildered would be the best verb to describe what the sight did to her and the others as well.

Kiyoshi was sitting with his back against the wall sleeping. Cleaning supplies rested in his hands, a bottle of vase shiner threatened to fall right out his left hand. Besides noting how she would reprimand him for that later, Sophia was more preoccupied with the room itself. The old vases and paintings, some that age showed quite well, looked brand new. Forget about the usual slim blanket of dust, the cracks that riddled the older vases were all gone, the tears on the painting were completely repaired, and the dull color of both was as vibrant as the day they were crafted.

This rejuvenation wasn't in appearance alone, as Sophia inspected the pieces of art, they gave off a smell of being brand new. This effect was apparent on the walls and floors as well. The floor that had thousands of feet walk across it over the 100 years since this house was built showed no wear and tear whatsoever. The walls, on the other hand, didn't show much different since they were constantly repaired and repainted, but still, they had this feeling of new.

'This... this is just odd. Time magic shouldn't affect lifeless objects.'

Sophia's eyes wandered toward the oldest painting in the Abha's collection. The first of their family that built and lived in this house.  what had once been caught in a flood and became impossible to recognize; now showed a healthy middle age man with short platinum blonde hair and striking silver eyes. Next to him was his young wife who had blonde hair, brown eyes, and a warm smile. Between the two was a boy no more than six, who looked more like his father than his mother. In the background was the house itself in the light of a setting sun. Anson, one of the servants, came up behind her and inspected the painting himself. He took out a magnifying glass from his Breast pocket then leaned his face a few inches from the artwork.

"That's definitely the original."

He said after a moment of scrutinizing it. Anson was a man with orange hair, blue eyes covered by square glasses, and round but fit body frame. He was in his late 20s yet still held a cheery tone in his voice, no matter what the situation was. He wore the same uniform as both Morgan and Sophia.

Before he became the Abha's servant he was a black market merchant in the central region. From what Sophia could gather, he got caught in possession of some stolen pearls of evolution. He managed to escape using his connections and with this job hides his presence. The only reason Bo allowed him to stay, is because Anson still has quite some influence in the central region. This allows him to obtain things that can't be bought through... normal means. Unfortunately, Fernande found out about this, and constantly request of him to buy some peculiar items. Such items he seemed to have no hesitation in getting for the young girl.

Anyway by the way his eyes and mouth was moving, he was running numbers in his head. Seeing how much he could sell the painting for. Then his eyes went to the boy.

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