Salamon's Reach

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 Daya was picked to follow the boy being the only one capable of using mind control spells. She started learning how to use them last year, so she only knew how to "guide" people into doing what she wanted. Daya went upstairs for a moment coming back down with different clothes on. With her wand in hand, she walked over to the boy and touch his forehead with the tip of it. Then mumbled something inaudible, when she was done a small blue dot appeared where her wand was touching his forehead. It had a slight glow to it.

"What did you do?"

Fernande asked out of curiosity.

"I just cast a spell connecting the boy's brain to my wand. Now I just need to focus on what I want him to do and he will without noticing us."

Fernande wanted to ask more questions but the boy had opened his eyes staring vacantly at Fernande. This made her step back.

"It's alright he can't see us or hear us."

Daya said with an amused smile on her face. The boy tried to get up but couldn't even get off his butt. For some reason, the boy started to smile.

"It seems like the blast did, in fact, wound the boy."

Daya said walking over to him. She kneeled down and placed her right hand on the boy's cheek. A crest showing a big wave coming from the right glowed light blue on her hand. Water started to come from it, covering only the boy's skin, the water had a slight glow to it. It soon covered his whole body giving him a glossy shine. After a few seconds, the boy slowly got up. His eyes were a bit more focused and after a few more seconds, he started to walk out of the room. Everyone followed him, Bo keeping close so he wouldn't set off the trap. Daya held out her wand focusing on keeping the connection between her and the boy.

"I must say that keeping him under control is much harder than I thought it would be."

"what's wrong?"

Fernande asked wanting to know more about Daya's magic.

"Nothing really it's just that the boy is thinking too must. It makes it hard to keep him in my spell."

"well least we know something of the boy."

Daya nodded her head in agreement to Sophia but the Abhas didn't understand what the two elves were talking about. Fernande was the one to speak her curiosity.

"What might that be?"

"That he's a pretty smart kid since he is trying to break my spell without knowing it."

Daya explained as they reached the front door. The boy opened it and kept walking Daya followed him out, but the Abhas and Sophia stop at the entrance and watch as the boy walk towards the front gate. The sun had risen just above the horizon given off an orange hue that was slowly taking over the dark blue sky. Anna and three other guards were waiting by the gate. When they saw the child they put their hands on the hilt of their swords.

"Be at ease the boy is under a trance."

Daya said walking past the guards. The guards quickly started following the two down a dirt road path through a field of grass towards the town.

"I told you, Matt, that I wasn't lying about It being a kid."

Anna said in a triumphant voice.

"Yea yea, you were right but it pisses me off that he got past us."

Matt grunted while having an annoyed facial expression. He was a good man, but he always got ahead of himself. Recently he has been dedicated to taking on the Abha's gardener Nash.


One of the other male guards let out in wonder. he looked rather tired.

"Come on Dean even you have to be a little mad that a kid got past us?"

Matt said knowing Dean wouldn't give him an answer. Dean was a man of few words and it's a rarity for him to say a whole sentence. Matt got angry thinking about how just a few hours ago one of those rare moments came up. In that moment, Dean made fun of him for thinking he could take on Nash. Dean had light brown skin, black hair, and brown eyes. He continued walking looking at the boy with a curious look.

The group entered Salomon's Reached after 10 minutes of walking. The smell of fresh bread entered their noses as they passed the stone walls that surrounded the town. Stone houses with wooden roof lined each side of them. All of the buildings were similar but if you looked at each one of them you could tell various differences to them. There was very little people out in the street as was expected when it was early in the morning. Many of the residents were either just waking up or preparing their shops for customers. Those who were outside gave a curious look at the group before walking on.

"Is it just me or are they looking at the boy more than us"

The other male guard said. The man's name was Brian he was an ex-soldier for the draca empire. He still acts as if he's in the military, so much so that the other guards started to call him Captain. he had a square face with gray eyes that cautiously scanned his surroundings. his tanned skin was mostly hidden under his armor or his light brown beard.

"Yeah do you think he's a common thief around here?"

Matt asked looking back at a passing adventure that had stared at Kiyoshi longer than other people.

"Hmm, maybe but there haven't been any reports of a thief recently."

Brian said rubbing his beard in thought.

"Soon enough."

Dean said ending the conversation. He was right they will find out all they will need to know after they find the kid's hideout. The group eventually entered the market district and the smell of food was ever so present. The pungent odor of freshly baked bread was a constant reminder that they had miss breakfast. Their growling stomach didn't help much.

"Miss Summah, is there any way we could stop and eat?"

Anna asked unable to withstand the torture

"I wish but sadly that would make it harder for me to control him."

Daya answered planting an expression of despair on anna's face.

"Come on anna, what you can't live off an empty stomach for a little?"

Matt teased while petting anna's head. She swats it away and glared at matt who was a head taller than her.

"You're one to talk; There's drool coming out of your mouth!"

She pointed at matt's mouth making him back away from her. Matt rubbed his mouth trying to hide his pink cheeks.

"Stop it you two,"

Brian said his hunger making him irritable. He reached into his pocket and took out a gold coin.

"Anna you have two minutes to get us some food for us"

He ordered before throwing the gold coin. Anna caught it with a face of joy.

"Yes, captain."

With that, she ran into the closest bakery. She came out a minute later with more bread than she could hold prompting dean and matt to help her. They shared the various bread amongst each other.

"Miss Summah which on would you like?"

Anna asked holding out her share of bread.

"Hmm, I'll take this one. Thank you."

She took the croissant happy to finally silence her stomach. It didn't even take 30 minutes for all the bread to eaten. The group went on talking about various things

A/N: hey guys so I'm trying to finish these revisions so I can get on with the story so I think today will be a bunch of uploads here's a bit of insight on the town of Salamon's Reached by the way how many of you got the reference in this chapter. If so hello fellow Digimon fans(8/13/16)

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