The elements

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In the beginning, there was was only a dark void of nothing. Then a small source of light came to exist it was small but it was enough to purify a small section of the void and call it its own. In that small space protected by the light soon two even smaller spears of rocks came to exist one being bigger than the other. There was no life on these two rocks suddenly on the bigger one a miracle happen. Water sprung from deep within the rock and came to the surface claiming most of the land as their own.

In exchange for the land, water gave birth to life both on the barren surface and in the land it claimed for itself. The once dull looking rock started to show greenery on its surface, but it did not spread very far into the land. eventually, air came and offered a solution to this problem. They would spread the seeds throughout the lands and keep them growing by bringing water to them from the sky. Because of this cooperation between the 3 elements life flourish. The birth of man came destroying the peace. fueled by greed these creatures tried to claim everything as theirs.

They destroyed everything in their path for power, even their own kind. The three could not stop them for whatever they tried man would build something to overcome it. Then twins fire and lightning came to assist the 3 elements. Enraged by how much man had destroyed the two forces drove humanity to the brink of extinction. When they were about to give man the final blow water intervene begging the rest of the elements to give them another chance.

The others at first denied water worrying that man might do the same thing again. Water made a proposal to the others. It was to create countermeasures to limit man's power.

Part 1 end 

A/N: so how did you guys like the little story I know it's not much but I think it one of those short but sweet chapters. vote and comment about what you like and didn't like and I'll post part two when I ever begin to write it (7/22/2016)

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