Unexpected Outcome

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A/N: alright from this point onwards there should be a bit more changes from the original and by the time chapter.... 6 or 7 there should be drastic changes. Department of Sarcasm already edited this, but I added new scenes and took out a few others, also rearrange a few. I tried to keep to her style of writing so the tone would stay the same. (9/29/2017)

Having caught his breath, Kiyoshi took the hook and latched it to the outer edge of the wall. He wrapped the rope back around his injured hand, suppressing a wince as he did so. Checking the hook one last time, he planted his feet against the inner edge of the wall and began his descent. Pressing against the wall with both of his feet, he sprung back, unraveling the rope as he did so. Slowly, in stops and starts, he descended in this repeated pattern.

'Easier than going up - minus the pain in his hand.' the boy thought. He then began to wonder how he would explain this injury to Hala. the thought of her finding out the real reason made him shudder. Actually, now that he thought about it there were quite a few people he didn't want finding out about this.

A good way down the wall Kiyoshi froze, the subtle sound of footsteps on fallen, dried leaves had reached his ears, the light smell of soap was caught by his nose, finally, a small light crept into his peripheral vision. He slowly turned to check for the guard passing by. It was a female wearing light armor and equipped with a knightly. From his position, he couldn't tell her height but approximated six foot seven.

'Just above average height. If I'm fast enough I could...' Kiyoshi flinched mentally reprimanding himself. He was here for the pearl not to fight. 'It's best if no one even sees me.'

Thus he let her continue with her search for any intruders; thankfully she wasn't looking for any friendly neighborhood wall-crawler. The boy silently snickered to himself before his eyes and thoughts wandered to a new point of interests.

it was the light source illuminating the guard's path. Rather than carrying a bulky torch, a small fist size ball of light floated by her head, washing the area around her in a soft glow of sunlight. Kiyoshi eyes gleamed at the object. It had to have been created by a light crest user, but how he wondered and did that mean the guard was a crest user? Only once she had rounded the corner did he emerge from his stupor, and was reminded of the increasing pain in his right hand. The boy shook his head and continue his way down the wall.

Kiyoshi landed behind a row of bushes that lined the wall with a few trees here and there. Glancing around briefly to make sure the coast was clear, he turned and gripped the rope firmly with both hands, and quickly whipped it up and down, just once. The wave traveled up the rope along the wall, and the hook dislodged, tumbling silently to the ground. Deftly catching it with his uninjured hand, the boy went about hiding his supplies in the bushes. Once he was finished, Kiyoshi snuck towards the backyard.

His plan was to enter the house through the back door, but he could already see a problem before he got there. A bright light shone from the corner the guard had gone towards. Much worse was the fact that his ears picked up on a conversation between two males.

" - I could easily defeat that geezer." said one, pride coloring his words dramatically.

"Yeah" the other scoffed, voice soft, but deep, "and I could kill a dragon."

Peeking from the bushes Kiyoshi saw what he feared was there. Two male guards plus the one from earlier was standing in his way talking. The orb of light was in the middle of the three had grown considerably. It flung out enough light that, looking past them, Kiyoshi could see the rear entrance to the mansion. The boy grimace at the current situation.

'Couldn't you do this somewhere else?'

"Come on, he's just the gardener." The proud man seemed to attempt to convince his friends of something.

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