Water Ballerina

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Monday was close to an end, and Jocelyn was back in her home town of Stigrif. She had to say that the events over the weekend were quite interesting to stay the least. Kiyoshi proved to be more intriguing than she thought possible. Though she only got to share parting words with him, He mentioned something about her dad being a good fighter. that had led the girl to her current location. The training hall, one of the larger buildings in town, a place her dad built to train the townsfolk how to defend themselves. Though he wasn't here at the moment leaving his daughter to wait for him, so Jocelyn decided to participate in a few spars until he appeared.

Her current opponent was a guy a few years older than her and a lot taller than her. He had a round wooden shield strapped to his left forearm and gripped a double-edged iron short sword in his right hand. He wore a set of leather armor just like Jocelyn who didn't have a weapon in hand. Both of them were stretching as the referee stood in the middle of the fighters. The woman glance between them her arms crossed and right foot tapping the stone floor.

"You two ready yet?"

The ref frowned eliciting a laugh from the two teens. The boy stopped stretching.

"Don't know how mad can we get you?"

"Mad enough to wipe that grin off your face." she looked at him with such a death glare that it alone made his smile disappear.

Jocelyn smiled deciding not to turn the Woman's rath on herself. She stopped stretching and activated her water crest. Since her thirteenth birthday, it has evolved into a form two, level three crest. The most noticeable change from form one and form two was that she could create water instead of just manipulating sources of it. Leveling didn't feel like much of a difference and just seem to show Jocelyn's proficiency with her magic. She gained level three after she mastered how to create and maintain two water whips. Her preferred weapons when it came to combat and were the same weapons the girl was creating now. Streams of water formed from thin air condensing around her hands. The liquid extended from her fingertips becoming twenty feet long frails that laid sprawled out around the girl's feet. She shortened the right one to 10 feet while bringing the arm connected to it up. Jocelyn brought it down with a quick movement making the whip launch up then smashing down hard on the ground with an audible snap. The girl smiled bringing her weapon back to its normal size before looking up at the two whose attention she bought.

"I'm ready when Donny is."


The boy cracked his neck holding up his sword and shield. The woman began to walk to the edge of the raised platform her frown still present.

"Should have said so sooner then," she grumbled hopping of the arena. "You two know the rules now begin!"

Donny planted his feet firmly on the ground putting his shield forward so it covered most of his body. He held his sword behind his main protection with the blade pointed to the ground. It was a defensive stance that worked well against Jocelyn's fighting style in the past, but it was also boring. She has dealt with it multiple times before and has gotten used to the stance. Though not like she could say much since Donny was used to her fighting style hence why he started out defensive. The girl waited for a bit with her arms at her side to see if he would become impatient and rush her. When he didn't and her patients ran out, which didn't take long, she became the aggressor.

She took two steps forward swinging her right arm back up making the whip going over her shoulder. Donny shifted his shield up in preparation for the attack. She threw her arm diagonal down forcing him to shift left. Jocelyn only heard the crack as she spun around bringing both whips against his shield. The left whip went diagonal up making him jerk right. She cracked at his ankle with her other whip down, and he jumped over then parries the other whip with his sword. Donny danced her dance and didn't, couldn't, change it, and her dance created openings. Jocelyn propelled her left arm up and blood flew from his cheek before he could move out the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2019 ⏰

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