1. Help!

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Lily's footsteps were pounding on the dirt in the forest, she wanted to stop but couldn't afford to. 

Gasping she said the only thing she could "Amy!" Amy was her best friend and always helped her stay out of trouble, she had long brown hair that was put into a messy pony tail and sparking hazel eyes with a slight tan while Lily, also had her dark brown hair in a pony tail with her forest green eyes

Amy slowed down a little so they were next to each other "Come on it's not that much farther." 

Lily wanted to glare at her but had a hard enough time trying to catch enough air to avoid passing out

"You.... said that.....27..... miles ago" Lily was starting to feel light-headed. How much could it hurt if she just laid down for a few seconds to catch her breath. 

She eyed the trees nearby imagining the soft grass as she sat down and the cool bark against her back. 

She dismissed that thought immediately, it would be very bad because then he would catch up to us, she could let herself rest when they get to the safe house. 

Lily saw the house and immediately felt joy until she slammed face first into it. Before she was aware of what was happening  Amy was helping her up and walking her into the house. 

Amy puts a rag on the bruise Lily knew she was going to get tomorrow causing her to wince. "Thanks again" She grinned a little finally able to relax.

Amy looking as if her crush just asked her out on a date said "We made it! 43 miles.... I didn't think you weren't going to make it for a while back there." She looked at Lily concerned 

"You even ran into the side of the house." Their house wasn't very big it had a small double bed that took up most of the living room space, a bathroom, and a kitchen. 

It also had a basement they could hide in if they were worried someone might see them though the window. 

Amy stopped at the trapdoor to the basement to look at Lily letting her know that she needed to go down as soon as possible and with that she dropped down. 

Lily got up and went into the bathroom to see just how bad the bruise was. Looking at the bathroom mirror she realized it would heal pretty fast but she was going to get a big fat black and blue bruise first. 

The front door opened and Lily originally thought at first that Amy was going outside for a breath of fresh air. Cold air swept threw the crevasses of the door, her eyes widened realized a cold hard fact. 

Amy wouldn't leave that basement till both of us were down there and she was positive it was safe. 

She heard some muttering, definitely a guys voice and she realized who it was less then two seconds later. Lily grabbed the door handle and jerked her hand back, the metal was burning hot. 

She took a deep breath and opened the door causing her skin to burn. She instantly saw flames everywhere and ran to the trapdoor. It was hot too but she didn't care Amy was down there... and it wouldn't open. 

"Lily!! What's going on up there?!?!?" She heard Amy's frantic voice from below. "The house is on fire!!! He found us! You have to help me get you out!!!" Lily pulled on the trapdoor with her entire weight. 

"Lily I'm trapped you have to leave me" Lily knew Amy was trying to be strong for her even when she was about to be burned alive but she couldn't give up. She saw a shadow in the corner of her eyes and started pulling it more desperate but it still wouldn't open, there must be some sort of spell on this that only lets the caster open it.

Amy was crying now something Lily has never heard her do "Lily you have to go, if you don't then we'll both die" Lily stopped pulling and laid her head against the door. 

She started crying with her "Please Lily go and live the dream we both wanted, stay alive for me. "That last part broke Lily's heart even more, Amy knew she would of done anything for her, even when they first met they knew how important they we're going to be to each other. 

But now Lily understood just how deep that bond was, she knew she had to leave so Amy could be remembered even if it killed her to do it.

Lily dried up her tears and gave Amy the one thing she could manage"I'm sorry...." Lily ran out the door, never looking back because if she did, she knew she'd walk right back in there. 

Out of the corner of her eye she saw him chasing her the one they always had to run away from, the reason they were always in hiding. The reason they never had any chance of a decent future!

She ran faster then she had ever run before, holding onto Amy's last words and before she knew it tears were streaking down her cheek. 

She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around foolishly expecting to see Amy, but instead saw him. How did he catch up so fast? Has he been playing with them this whole time letting them think they were faster! She bet he even set the house on fire!! 

"Well look at what we have here." He laughed, eyes dancing with amusement. "If it isn't my shining star." He said acting as if he was announcing some grand play.

"Go To Hell!" Lily yelled angry that her best friend was gone. She tried to punch him but he blocked it not even affected.

"Oh? Is that where you wanted to send Amy? You know your dearest friend?" He pouted with mock tears in his eyes "Oh how pitiful! And after all the trouble I put into to save her!" 

His pout quickly became a malicious grin "Well not that what I'm going to do is exactly "saving" her" He rubbed his hands together "I'll probably to worse than hell could ever do. One experiment at a time"   

She saw a quick flash of something swinging towards her as a pain in her head appeared. His evil grin was the last thing she saw before she hit the ground and collapsed. 


Hey I hoped you enjoyed this chapter!!!! If you want to see sneak peaks join my server on discord https://discord.gg/J6vjpjH If not I'll see you next week ^,^

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