17. My New Schedule

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Lily walked with the counselor into her office which to Lily was really plain and boring it was just white with a couple chairs and a brown desk with a spinning chair.

Lily got an idea and sat down in the chair behind the desk spinning around in it laughing while the counselor just stared at her.

"Excuse me Miss Campbell but that is my seat" The lady said tapping her foot trying hard not to show signs of agitation but it was obvious to Lily.

Lily stops spinning and folds her hand on the desk and gestures to the seat opposite of her "Please take a seat."

Lily tries holding back a laugh as the counselor shows her middle finger when she thinks Lily's not looking but thankfully she does sit down in the chair opposite of her with her clip board.

The counselor immediately starts to write notes glancing at Lily only once "Do you always do this?" Lily just shrugs in response.

She didn't know and she didn't like this stranger asking things it bugged her for some reason. Just like with Olivia she got the same very strong feeling that no one can be trusted.

"What do you want?" Lily asked getting straight to the point. She leaned forward trying to take a peak at her notes without being too obvious.

The counselor semi got up to hand Lily her new schedule. Lily looked at the schedule trying to memorize the new one.

Subject. ---------Room
English 11 -------301
P.E. ---------------Gym
Pre-calculus. ---306
Anatomy --------314
Homeroom. ----307
World History --305
Magic Theory---311
Locker 369

It mostly looked the same except she lost her study hall before she ever got to go to it. Lily sighed looking at what it was replaced by.

Magic Theory? What the hell was that? She opened her mouth to ask but was cut off "It's learning about how we use magic and why others can't" The counselor said tilting her head slightly waiting for something? What was she waiting for?

"Um you're kidding right? Cause then what magic do I have?" Did magic really exist? She didn't know because anything from her past besides a girl named Amy and someone was hunting her so for all she knew magic is everywhere! Or maybe this lady is lying to her and making fun of her.

Lily tried to remember if there had been magic in the world. She tries looking past the fog and sees a forest. Lily groaned and held her head, it was too painful to remember anything past that.

"No I'm not." The counselor stated and Lily looked at her confused for a second before remembering that she had asked 'If she was kidding.' "You have the ability to heal yourself" The counselor goes on to explain

"Everyone at this school had one ability and one ability only. Your under healing which has several branches one of them is what you have, to heal yourself but there are others for example to heal animals or other humans or others with magic. Most magic is very limited and very few have very powerful ones"

The counselor stops to let all the new information soak in while Lily just stared at her dumbfounded.

Was she for real? Did Lily actually have magic? That would explain why she doesn't feel any pain from that beating earlier "Wait then why am I getting a detention when I clearly didn't do anything earlier?" Lily asked getting irritated again.

The counselor looked at her a little confused "Because to heal yourself you have to give that pain to someone else and while they don't suffer the actual injury they do feel the full extent of the pain for about five to ten minutes depending on the severity of the injury."

Lily nodded feeling guilty. Now she knows she does deserve that detention after all. The girl, Bailey may have deserved the pain but Lily knows it hurts a lot and she wouldn't wish that on anyone.

"Any questions?" Lily looked up at the counselor and shook her head "No" The counselor wrote something down and ripped off a piece of the paper and handed it to her

"Here this is your pass back to class" Lily stood up and grabbed it before walking out the door "Thanks" She said before the door closed behind her.

She turned around and opened the door real quick "Wait what period is it?" Lily asked politely

The counselor, now siting in her own chair replied "First period" Lily thanked her and left.

She walked up the stairs thankfully now an empty hall "At least I know where this class and pe are" She looked around spotting her other classes and noticed they were all on the same floor.

When Lily arrived at the door she hesitated holding the door knob. These were the people who had beaten her and laughed at her pain just the very thought made her extremely angry.

Lily took a deep breath trying to ignore the thoughts of killing them all which she thought was stupid. Lily opened the door and immediately heard an "I TOLD YOU SO!!!" Serena yelled at the teacher triumphant.

Lily stood there tempted to go out the door when the teacher sighed and motioned for Lily to enter the classroom "Well don't just stand there! Come on in!" Lily headed towards her desk and tapped Serena on the shoulder hesitantly "What was that about?"

Serena laughed really loud, so loud the teacher looked at them and put a finger to his lips in a 'shh' sign.

"You see I told the teacher that you were outside debating whether to come in or not" She laughed again earning her another glare from the teacher.

"Serena since you find this so funny why don't you tell me which powers Romeo and Juliet had?" Wait powers? Were they real people?

"Yes Lily it's a true story only the ending is much different then what normals learn" Serena said not even looking at her. Lily wondered what normals were where they people without magic or something else "Teacher Romeo had immortality and Juliet had Eternal Youth" Serena replied to the teacher


Hey guys what do you think? Do you like it? What do you think is the ending to Romeo and Juliet? Anyways Vote and Comment I always love it when you do ^^

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