3. Compromise

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Olivia broke the silence first by saying "Can she stay pretty please?" Olivia's parents looked at her then looked at Lily before finally deciding to look at Olivia. When Lily looked at Olivia she noticed she was doing puppy dog eyes, they were so cute Lily would of already said yes.

The dad spoke up sounding business like "She might already have a family looking for her or she might not want to stay here we can't force her to do anything. We don't even know her name" He reasoned looking back and forth between Lily and Olivia again seeming conflicted.

Lily cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. She hoped a simple introduction would help clear thing up. She really like Olivia and she needed a friend right now. She really didn't want to go through this alone.

"I'm Lily. You have a very sweet daughter and I am very glad that everyone helped me get better" She tried to make it as polite as possible and smiled when she saw Olivia grinning and giving her a thumbs up.

Olivia whispered in Lily's ear "Thanks for making me sound good." Lily laughed quietly at that, happy her new friend is happy.

The mom clapped her hands together as a new idea struck her "How about you stay here until we find your family." She looked very proud at finding a compromise between living with them as family and sending Lily off to her family.

"After all we haven't seen anyone looking for you" It took Olivia's mom a second to realize how Lily might of interpenetrated what she just said "I mean there could be people looking for you, W-We just haven't found them... Yet!" She looked at Lily apologetically but hopeful.

"I don't have a family" Lily didn't realize she said that until everyone was staring at her. She contemplated her words and figured if she did have a family they wouldn't want her now, it would be better to start over. "But I wouldn't mine being a part of this one" She smiled.

The dad started to explain everything as the mom left the room to go enroll Lily into the school "I'm Daniel and this is my wife is Jillian. If you stay here you will be attending East Coast High with Olivia and acting as her sister so we will be your mother and father." He paused for a second so Lily could digest what he just said then continued.

"Also as you already know Olivia found you in the middle of town when she snuck out somewhere" The dad glared at Olivia then continued "We would like you to explain what happened to you out there." Lily rubbed her arm nervously not sure what she was going to say.

Honestly Lily didn't know either but she had to tell them something "I got beat up really bad" She tried to keep it as vague as possible so she was more likely telling the truth.

Daniel her new dad didn't seem satisfied but went on anyways "We live in a pretty small town called Amara but it has everything one might ne-" Olivia jumped up, Her dad didn't seem pleased with being interrupted but stayed silent.

"The cookies!!!" She ran into the kitchen and within seconds the chocolate chip cookies scent was everywhere and Lily's stomach grumbled. When was the last time she ate? Oh yeah a couple days ago, no wonder she's starving Olivia set the cookies on the table and sat down again like nothing happened. Lily stared at those cookies knowing her life depended on whether she got to have any soon.

Olivia saw where Lily was staring and laughed "Go on those cookies aren't just for decoration" Lily grabbed a cookie and took a bite. The chocolate melted in her mouth and she thought that if you could taste heaven this is what it would taste like, perfection at its best.

Jillian her mom came back in with news "I just got you enrolled at Olivia's high school. We put you in the same grade as her because you seem to be around the same age but before you go to class tomorrow they want you to take a test today. We were going to go there today's anyways because Olivia wanted to watch over you so she skipped class"

She glared at Olivia and Olivia looked everywhere but at her "Anyways we'll be taking you at six pm so if you want to get ready I suggest you do it now" Lily stayed put not sure what she needed to do for these sort of things, she turned her head looking to Olivia for help. Thankfully Olivia got the right idea and nodded showing that she understood.

Olivia stood up, grabbed Lily's hand, and dragged her into the room she woke up in. "The shower is in the hallway first door on the right" She threw some clothes on the bed and pointed to then when she was done

"Put those on when you're done and hurry you only have 15 minutes till she leaves and you have to look perfect" Lily didn't quite understand the urgency but tried to be really fast washing her hair and everything.

Although it took a few minutes understanding what she was supposed to put into her hair and decided on Shampoo after reading all the directions on all the labels.

After she dried off she put the clothes on. It was a white shirt that looked a little loose on her and a blue skirt that went mid thigh. Once she was done she put on the black flats and Olivia came through and handed her a brush.

"You need to brush your hair too" She looked Lily up and down as saw she didn't put on the stockings but didn't say anything. Lily tried to brush her hair fast but that hurt her head so she had to slow down. Olivia pushed her out the door a split second after she finished saying "Good luck you'll need it"

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