7. The freak at school

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The bell rang on the way to class letting them know they were already late. They were running up their second flight to the third floor when Lily missed a step and started falling backwards. A hand caught her and pulled her into his chest.

"Gotcha" Ace whispered in her ear Lily quickly moved out of his grip and kept moving "What! No 'thank you'! No I'll forever be in your debt! Nothing?"

Lily laughs "Nope, you'll have to live without one" Ace pouts and she Laughs "Fine, Thank you kind sir for saving my life" She bows down laughing

Ace pretends to be offended "If I didn't know better I'd think you're mocking me"

"I guess you don't know better if that's the case" She grins and hurries up the stairs with Ace running behind her.


They reached class in the middle of a lecture and the teacher shoots them a glare until he realizes that a new student is with Ace.

"Ace sit down." Ace complied and Lily saw a couple of girls staring at him until a girl with black hair looked at them. "Why don't you introduce yourself to the class"

Lily froze for half a second before saying "I'm Lily Campbell"

The teacher waiting as if expecting her to continue and when she didn't he asked "What are your hobbies?"

Lily froze. How am I supposed to know?! Lily stood there awkwardly "Well... Umm"

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Someone yelled at her. She looked around and quickly found and person that yelled at her, it was the black haired girl the glared at everyone looking at Ace.

"What are you talking about?" Lily said glaring at the black haired girl

The teacher suddenly cut in "Serena!" He yelled at her "You have detention and you get to give Ms. Cambell a tour of the school"

Serena sighed "Fine but don't blame me if she transfers out of this school by the end of the day.

The teacher pointed to a seat next to Serena "That will be your new seat for now if you have a problem ask me after class"

Lily sat down and started to write notes "What is your problem with me?" She whispered to Serena

Serena glared at Lily "What's my problem?! You're my problem!" She whispered harshly

"What did I do?" Lily tries to figure out even though she should be trying to figure out what on earth the teacher is reviewing.

Serena sighed softly and said "Never mind I'll tell you after class but you might want to pay attention and get a tutor"

"Okay...." That was a little weird but it's good advice Lily thought to herself. She started to figure out everything and write a lot of notes


Class seemed to drag by and when the bell rung Lily breathed a sigh of relief "Finally!" She packed up her things and was about to leave when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey did you forget about me too?" Serena chuckles.

"Oh sorry! So what were you going to tell me?" Lily looks at the clock in the back room noting to herself she only has three minutes left to get to class.

"Why are you here?" Serena glares at her

Lily glares back "Oh I don't know maybe to learn something!" She took a deep breath to calm herself "I'm sorry can we just start over please I don't know what I did to you but maybe we could be friends?"

Serena smiled and said sweetly "Oh of course then let me start by saying you should switch school asap". Suddenly someone grabbed Serena from behind and Serena quickly got out of their grip before she saw who it was "Ace!!" She pulled him into a hug but then he pushed her away

He raised his eyebrow "Now you want to hug me? When I tried to hug you you practically ran away screaming stranger danger" He starts laughing and pulls her into a quick kiss before turning to Lily. "You're right I'm positive she doesn't know."

"Know what! If you tell me then I'll know" Lily looks at the clock and sees one minute left to get to class "You know what nevermind I'm not going to stay here so you guys can waste my time if it's really important then tell me after school or something" She jogs all the way to her next class and notices the kids that are left keep trying to sneak in a glance at her.

She jogs a little faster, is my hair a mess right now? Maybe I should have asked Olivia if I did okay brushing it?What if-

Lily arrives at the gym just as the bell rings interrupting her thoughts. She sees a small group of kids standing in rows with a teacher standing in front of them. She walks up to the teacher because she has no idea what else to do "Umm excuse me? I'm new here and-"

"Yea, Yea I know you're Lily Campbell right? Here take this." He shoves a pair of clothes in her hands "It's your pe uniform you will be required to put it on every day before class and take it off everyday after class the locker rooms are in the back, girls are on the left side boys on the right side and if I catch you sneaking into the wrong one you will have to clean all the school bathrooms for a week and trust me you don't want to do that"

He notices a couple in the back kissing and walks over there yelling at them to stop kissing twenty four seven.

Lily quickly went into the girl's locker rooms and sees a another teacher she walked up to her "Hey I'm new and I don't have a locker yet"

The lady looks up and smiles "Oh we have one ready for you it's number 196 at the end of the third row"

Lily smiles back "Thanks a bunch" She finds her locker and changes into her uniform once she finishes she looks at the only mirror there. She was wearing a loose blue shirt that had the school name on it in black with black shorts with the name in blue at the bottom of the left side. She pulled her hair up into a ponytail and walked out ready to face the music and by that she means everyone.

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