10. Who are you?

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Lily looked behind her for probably the forty fifth time. She couldn't help it, it felt like someone was following her but each time she looked back she saw nothing. She took a sharp turn and started running then hid behind a trash can. I'm safe here right?

Lily peaked out to see if there was someone. She looked both ways down the street. She started to come out of her hiding spot feeling stupid but froze when she heard something or someone.

"Where the hell did she go!" She crouched down further so she wouldn't be seen. It sounded kind of like a guy's voice but she couldn't be sure. She tried to peak out again and hit her foot on the trash can then fell out into plain sight.

"Dang it! I lost them!" Lily yelled she glared at the trash can "Thanks a lot" she stood up and winced when she put weight on her foot. Lily looked around one more time before she started walking back home but the feeling of being followed never left her.

Lily got home and threw her to backpack on the ground "I feel like I'm forgetting something really important..... besides my life obviously"

Lily looks fondly at the picture of Olivia and her parents "I wish I could be like that with my family... What if I have a sibling they'd miss me too right? I'd do anything to have my family back.... What if their looking for me? I had to come from somewhere right?"

She grabbed her backpack and tried to do her homework to distract herself from all her unanswered questions.

After that failed, only proving she needed a tutor she started doing some research on herself. "You know what they say..... If you don't know something then.... Well I don't know what they say. But looking myself up should work"

"Let's see Lily Campbell..... Lily Campbell.... Ah there it is!" Lily practically glowed as she clicked on the link.

"Huh" Lily looked at the screen confused "What do you mean I don't have proper authorization! I have a right to know! After all this site is dedicated to me!" Lily slumps in her chair in defeat "Maybe I should get used to what I know. Maybe I should go to this school and stay here. Maybe I should act like this is my real family"

"I think of you as my real sister....." Lily hears behind her and spins around in her chair.

"Olivia?! I-I didn't mean it like that!" Lily sputters

"It's fine I get it. No need to explain yourself. I thought of you as my sister I guess now I know where I stand. I just can't believe after all we've been through  I don't mean anything to you. Am I just some kind of roommate? I thought maybe you'd think of me the way I thought of you. I can't believe I was so stupid." Lily notices a tear streak down Olivia's cheek before she ran out of the room slamming the door behind her.

"I'm the idiot.... I don't even know how to fix this" Lily turns the computer back on and searches up 'How to make up with your sister?' Lily presses enter and waits for the screen to load while drumming her fingers on the desk.

Lily clicks on a link that says 'Fixing your relationship for dummies' "That sounds promising" Lily says before she starts reading the site, after all she's the biggest dummy of all.

She eyes automatically starts to skim the text "When you want to fix your relationship, first think of their perspective, you might be in the wrong just as much as they are. Another fact to look at is what you were fighting/arguing about. Was it about the amount of time you spend with them or maybe one of you caught the other cheating. If it was one or both of those spend more time with them and prove their the only one you want by talking them out on a date or/and buying them flowers. Even writing an 'I'm sorry' note helps"

Okay I got this! Lily thought to herself and quickly sat up scraping the chair on the floor.

She opened her backpack, lifted her English notebook out and ripped out a piece of paper then stared at it, almost willing the words to appear. Then all of a sudden they did! Joking but she really was stumped.

She lifted her pencil dramatically before writing "Dear Amy"  Wait...who's Amy? Lily started to erase Amy. Then something inside her seemed to break.

The feeling hit her hard, first she felt in a rush like she needed to be going faster,then even faster. Her heart beat raced and she dropped her pencil hugging herself, her nails were digging into her skin.

She tried to stand on her wobbly legs but instead she fell onto her knees. The walls seemed to collapse in on her, making breathing difficult. She ran outside of the room, stumbling until she reached outside, violently shaking.

"I'm so sorry.....I-I promise I'll be good....." She repeated in a hushed whisper, until it was just too much for her body to handle. She screamed and cried.

Olivia came running when she heard the scream "Lily....... What's wrong? How did you get those scratches on your arms?" Olivia ask while Lily quiets down. "Lily.... Are you listening?"

Lily stared into space, not blinking. Her skin was deathly white almost as if she's been dead for a few days.

Olivia crouched down next to Lily. "Lily? Are you okay?" She reached her hand out to touch Lily's shoulder. As she was reaching, Lily's hand flew up and gripped her wrist.

Lily turned her head to face her and looked her in the eyes with flat emotionless eyes, not a trace of recognition. Those eyes were starting to scare Olivia "L-Let me go! Please!" Olivia pleaded looking for a sliver of compassion in those red eyes but found none.

"Who are you? Lily doesn't have red eyes!"


Hey guys I hope you like this chapter. What do you think happened to Lily? Who do you think was following her? And do you think she remembered something? Thank you for reading!!!! if you feel like it was decent please star it and if you have questions ask! :)

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